You are all amazing people here

I cannot send each of you a christmas message ,so i have put a request on classic fm for everyone on the Sue Ryder website,to have a peaceful christmas ,it doesnt matter whether you hear it or listen,thats not the point,you all deserve a recognition for your collective strength and support here,i chose The Lark Ascending by Vaughan Williams its a beautiful piece of music,it reflects peace xx


What an amazingly thoughtful gesture Robina. Thankyou. Wishing you and all others, peace and tranquility as well.

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Thank you Robina…that’s so thoughtful and makes the “you are not alone” message very real…I too wish everyone peace for the days ahead and renewed strength for 2019. Thank you so much…take care x

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How thoughtful of you Robina. Thank you. As we draw closer to Christmas I find myself in need of even more caring and support. I struggle with my memories and disbelief, that last year at this time my beloved sister was celebrating a happy and hopeful holiday with us. I keep asking, why did everything have to change?The piece you chose is lovely, and soothing to the soul. I agree that the people on this site all show remarkable strength and courage. I thank each and every one for being here for me, and for each other, in our time of need. As Robina says “you are all amazing.”
Peace, Love & Healing to All. Sister2

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Thank you so much Robina, a lovely piece of music and a reminder that there is beauty and hope in the world.

Wishing everyone a peaceful holiday season with health and hope for a good 2019.


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What a lovely message x

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What fantastic thing to do and very much appreciated. Even when we feel low there is always someone thinking of us. Hope your Christmas was good and all the very best for 2019.

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What fantastic thing to do and very much appreciated. Even when we feel low there is always someone thinking of us. Hope your Christmas was good and all the very best for 2019.

That is so thoughtful Robina. I hope your Christmas was reasonable. It’s not easy. I got stronger before Christmas & just after but I’m now in the countdown to the first anniversary of my husband’s passing 19th February. I’ve gone down a bit now. I’m quite tearful again.

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Thank you Robina. That is such s lovely thing to do. Lots of love to you and everyone on this site. Xx

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Hi Robina,
That is the loveliest gesture-thank you so much .I was feeling rather low today ,and that has really lifted my mood (and I’m a professional violinist !)It really helps not to feel alone (I am mid 50’s and have lost husband and both parents in recent years,and have no children -this first Christmas without family was tougher than I had envisaged,inspite of wonderful friends .
Happy New Year to you x

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Thank you Robina, for being so thoughtful and including us all. Thats a beautiful piece of music,

Sandra xx

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Lots of love to you robins and all here. We are all suffering xxx

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Thank you Robina :slight_smile:

A really lovely thought and very much appreciated. My mum’s legacy was to be kind and the kindness I have found here is continuing the theme.

Thank you to you all for being part of this unwanted community and may we all continue to lift each other on through the new year.

Ann xx

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