You Don’t Lose Someone Once

You don’t just lose someone once
You lose them over and over
Sometimes many times a day
When the loss momentarily forgotten creeps up and attacks you from behind
Fresh waves of grief as the realisation hits home, they are gone, again
You don’t just lose someone once
You lose them every time you open your eyes to a new dawn
And as you awaken, so does your memory
So does the jolting bolt of lightning that rips into your heart, they are gone, again
Losing someone is a journey not a one off
There is no end to the loss
There is only a learned skill on how to stay afloat when it washes over you
Be kind to those who are sailing this stormy sea, they have a journey ahead of them
And a daily shock to the system each time they realise they are gone, again
You don’t just lose someone once
You lose them every day for a lifetime.


I felt that , so true !

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This is so true. 9 months since I lost Chris and every morning I wake up and realise he is not there beside me. :broken_heart:


I find the morning when I wake it hits me everytime. I lay in bed thinking about getting up but most of the time I think what’s the point? I haven’t found anything yet that gives me a reason to get up except for my little dog. I sit most of the day just thinking about my husband and still can’t believe he has gone and that I will never see or speak to my him again.x


Loobyloo2 I completely get you when I sleep which isn’t very often I wake up and just think why what is the point I miss my husband so much he was only 49 had to celebrate his 50th with balloons going to heaven , selling our home as can’t afford to stay in it has been home for the last 16 years life is hard . The most positive thing is my daughter had her first child 15 days after losing her dad which was extremely hard but he makes life better keeps me occupied but he would of been our first grandson so it hurts he would of loved him :broken_heart::broken_heart:


Hi @Kiddo74 I’m sorry about your husband and so young as well. I know what you mean about sleep. My sleep pattern is all over the place. When I do get to sleep it is only for a couple of hours and then doze on and off all night. Hope things improve but I have been like this now for two years. I’ve really aged as well. Don’t really look after myself like I did and should. I’m just sad all of the time now. Don’t know how to pull myself out of it. Sending a hug to you.x


This rings so true xxx