You never said I'm leaving

You never said I’m leaving
You never said goodbye
You were gone before we knew it
And only God knew why
A million times we needed you
A million times we cried
If love alone could of saved you
You never would have died
In life we loved you dearly
In death we love you still
In our heart you hold a place
That no one could ever fill
It broke our hearts to lose you, but you didn’t go alone
For part of us went with you, The day god took you home


Thank you Sugar for posting this. It says it all.:disappointed_relieved:

Oh yes Sugar. Thank you. So beautiful. Lots of these poems bring tears to my eyes. Bless you.

Thank you for sharing this it’s beautiful and so true especially something so sudden. Xx


I remember that Andy told me he would live as long as he needs a stairlift. He wanted to see our son is growing. He really meant this and I know he never wanted to leave us but life is brutal x

What a beautiful poem it says so much that everyone here understands in their hearts. Thank you for sharing and putting it into words like this. Take care.

You have just made me more cry as exactly same thoughts x