You realise things are normal

At the point you loose a loved one and your world just shatters and turns upside down you get these feelings and urges.
For months and I’m told years after these feelings of loneliness, guilt, heartache, pain, not wanting to continue, the list is endless, you feel as if it’s just you but reading other posts and talking to other people going through the same as you makes you realise your not mad or being self centred it’s all a natural part of grieving. For us to understand this we need to talk to each other it’s so so important to talk it helps in so many ways .


Hi kazzer, it’s comforting to know there is people out there that can relate to what you are going through, losing a loved one is going to be the hardest thing we will go through, I lost my mum 4 weeks ago and the guilt, anger and feelings of lost are so overwhelming, we know we won’t be the same person we was before our loss, we just have to take one day at a time and see where we go on this journey of emptiness, hopefully we will all see a road to happiness again, keep messaging


Lynn6291 I am so sorry for your loss . It will be a year on sept 1st I lost my husband . He was my rock and he taught me so much . My two children and two grandchildren have been a massive help.
We had been married 33 years and Rob was 56 and he was taken so suddenly with no warning signs or illness before so it was a total shock to us .
We had so many plans and was looking forward to retiring and had been working towards it for some time , we actually had plans made for the day he passed away .
Life is so very different and I suppose I just have to live it as best I can from now on .
Take care Karen x


Hi So sorry for your loss I lost my husband to covid in January. My world shattered it was strangely comforting to read your post . Even with a loving family I feel all those things