You start to think

So sorry to hear about your situation Josaphine. You are so right, we need to talk about our feelings on this forum as everyone knows how it feels. It doesn’t replace waht we’d truly want but somewhat comforting to know others out there understand.
The situation is so tough for you Josephine. Can’t imagine how hard it must be…

Hi All
Always here to listen
Take care

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So sorry my reply is late but I know exactly how you feel. I have a daughter lives a few houses from me but I only see her about once a werk when she pops over to ask something. She is very thoughtful when I am ill but the rest of the time my family see me as the stalwart
At weekend my other daughter and her partner were both rushed to hospital with viral problems and my eldest granddaughter is just home from hospital after suffering pleurisy whilst at uni in Brighton. Sometimes I wonder how much more I can take. Ron was diagnosed with his cancer at the same hospital my daughter was in and it all came back to me. I feel an incredible loneliness. I ask myself how could my life change so much in 4 years. I just want to hide away sometimes until I can join Ron
There is no joy in anything I do anymore. I never knew it would be so hard. You are not alone in feeling that your family are selfish. I just think they are clueless as to what grief feels like.
I hope you have an ok week. We can’t expect much more than that. Xxxxxx


Hi All
Yes families…… we can choose our friends but it seems when something like this happens it sorts friends out to……
I’m struggling like you all and wonder daily as I just I’d on what is the bl…y point!
Sending hugs


I feel lonely even with people around so god help those who have nobody. That thought just terrifies me. It is the conversation I miss to and sitting with the person who know us inside out and the things you know each other will find funny. That person that puts their arm around you and makes you feel safe x


I spot a place on TV which I recognise and automatically look over to my wife to talk of when we were there… only she’s no longer there. Tears s as I write this, again.


Too right we are thinking of them ALL the time
And yes they know us inside out upside down…….
Sadly no longer and that is painful beyond words
But always try to remember they are in our hearts and that what helps us through each lonely numb day


Every time I’m out with my grandkids and I take photo I think just send that to my partner to show ,then the hammer hits me. Or sometimes try to ring her .So heartbreaking

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Hi Nel

I live on my own and the loneliness and isolation is just awful. My son lives in Spain and my daughter over 200 miles away. It’s been over 16 months since I lost Ian and my daughter tells me I’m getting worse and I know I am.

I’ve started volunteering and have joined a local bereavement group but they take up only a fraction of a week. The rest of the time is my own. I just don’t know what to do anymore……

Take care,
X Julie


Hi Julie

I find the weekend never ending. It seems insurmountable Saturday morning. I feel I am existing. It’s been 18 months and I miss my H more. I spent last Sunday crying. I was walking the dog and I had been suppressing tears all week. I started to cry and just couldn’t stop. X


Yes tears …… let them flow to be fair I can’t stop them
When will we stop crying maybe never……
Nobody absolutely nobody has any idea what we are going through
My mate visited today and her hubby rang her…… if only…. I was so jealous I wanted to smash her phone from her
Nobody knows of our ones passing affects your entire life
Washing food phone calls letters the whole bloody lot
And as for Christmas just want to hibernate
Days just mingle
Try not to think of them as weekends cos one days exactly the same as the day before…… shite!

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Keep your chin up please. I’m with you on your thoughts but maybe, just maybe you’ll get some comfort from unexpected sources.
I genuinely know what you’re going through having lost my wife then within 6 months diagnosed myself.
Traumatic, invasive Biopsy yesterday before plans for future can hopefully be offered.
Feel free to contact me. Take good care of yourself… please.

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Hi Josephine 1960
Thank you
You so need to be strong yourself………
Take care and thank you
Feel totally utterly’lost’

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