You was my shining light

You was my shining light ,my best friend and soulmate i thought you would be always by my side i cannot begin to tell you how much i miss you my darling . Hours turn to days, days to weeks, weeks to months but my love for you will never diminish. Wish you was here to cuddle and walk hand in hand down the path that was supposed to be our future. You will forever be in my heart :heart: although its broken :broken_heart:. I’ll keep your memory alive my sweetheart love you always M. xxxx


Dear @Misprint

Your words are beautiful and touching. Lovely photo. Our loved ones are always forever in our heart and never forgotten.

Take care.



This is my memory tree . The bus lights are cause jim collected model buses.


I have never seen bus lights before and this is a fitting tribute to Jim. The tree is perfect and beautiful. Thank you for sharing the photo with the Community.

Take care.


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Hi misprint
Thank you for writing your thoughts
Mine also
Well said


Thank you Bess just thought i would write down my feelings looks different when you put it into words from just whirling round my head plus I’m feeling very low at moment think it’s because xmas is coming. Sending hugs to everyone on this forum this time of year is so hard .


This is my Husband casket


Nice one my husband was man u fan and he was buried in his man u top .

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I put a Chelsea top on my husband as i know thats what he would of wanted

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I love the memory tree @Misprint . Is that something you made?

I brought the tree but put alot of jims things on it and photos, got his wedding ring on it. Just things to treasure .

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Thanks @Misprint , it’s beautiful.

@sue11 my Marti is in a Chelsea casket, he supported them since he was 7 years old he died at 56 years old.

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Thought it would be nice as he was a big chelsea fan had to do it for him i know he will be some where with a big smile on his face i hated football but always let Alan watch it Alan was 60 years old

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This is the memory tree I mentioned to you. I think it’s lovely.

Do you mind me asking where you bought the tree @Misprint ?

Karen i think it was from a local charity shop. But im seen them in other shops ,home bargains and hobby craft. Hope this helps x

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Thanks @Misprint