You're never truly gone.

They say that someone is never truly gone until you stop remembering them.
I think there is truth in this.
When you left this earth a great part of me went missing, but I think you left some of yourself behind for me to find.
When you left this earth I gathered your things and held them close. I closed my eyes and for a moment it felt like you were here with me again.
When you left this earth I went through my pictures, I studied your face harder than I ever had and for a moment those pictures brought you to life once more.
When you left this earth I found as many reasons as I could to talk about you. I tell stories about you and for a moment we are living in those moments again.
Every day I find as many reasons as I can to remember you. I find as many reasons as I can to not let the rest of you leave this earth, and every day it brings me peace to know that as long as I remember you a part of you will always be here.

I love you Alan xx


So true, I can resonate with your every word. Thank you - so beautifully said.


Love this, thank you for sharing. What a beautiful way to think of things :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Thank you Katyh.
It’s been 3 years and 4 months since I lost the love of my life.
Things do get easier and life goes on. But not a day goes by that I don’t think about Alan. I miss him so much.
Take care xx


Thank you. Your kind words are much appreciated.


I can’t wait for it to get easier, it’s just so hard! It’s good to hear from someone who is further along :smiling_face:

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This was sent to me by a friend. The words are so true.

As far as I can see, grief will never truly end.
It may become softer over time, more gentle, and some days will feel sharp.
But grief will last as long as love does….Forever.
It’s simply the way the absence of your loved one manifests in your heart.
A deep longing, accompanied by the deepest love.
Some days the heavy fog may return, and the next day it may recede, once again.
It’s all an ebb and flow, a constant dance of sorrow and joy, pain and sweet love.


@Alone1 thank you that is so true xxx


Thank you :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Sending big hugs xx
:hugs: :hugs:

Thank you for sharing

So true. I love my mum more every day even though she is not here to be seen. It’s a beautiful thing the way the love just grows and grows and grows. :people_hugging: x

@Alone1 yes that is how it is