14 weeks

It really is surreal.

I really hope I get to memories comforting me and making me smile very soon.

Take care,

Love and hugs,

Rose xx

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Thank you @roni52 ,

I know you are having a huge struggle.

I actually slept quite well.

I am going to try my utmost to push myself up that rollercoaster!
I hope the view is better up there.

Please take care and thank you.

Love and hugs,

Rose xx

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Hi everyone
This journey we’re on is truly horrible, and the worst thing we’ll ever do.
From being half of a couple to being alone (I won’t say single. I’m not, I will always be married) is such a big wrench. We didn’t want this, it has been forced on us, and now we have to learn to live without the person that made us complete.
How do we do that?
With a lot of struggling I’m afraid.
A lot of tears and a lot of pain and heartache
We’ve got to learn to ride the rollercoaster, go with the dips and embrace the highs. Hopefully there will be less dips as we go forwards.
We will all reach some sort of acceptance in time but our lives will never be the same. How could it be?
I was with my husband for 42 years , but it really doesn’t matter how long we were with our partners. Love is love, grief is the same.

Sending love and hugs to everyone x



I’m sure you will in time.

Take care xx

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I think it was Maya Angelou who said, we may not remember things people said or did, but you never forget how they made you feel. I’m 23 weeks in now and I remember, like you, just how special Angela made me feel, how loved and cherished I was. She told me how loved I made her feel. So perhaps there is comfort in knowing that however loved your husband made you feel, you made him feel loved and special as well.
Hugs to all in this unwanted club xx


Thank you @Nimrod,

I hope I did make him feel special because he was.

How wonderful you were able to share such feelings with each other.

Sending you a big hug.


Dear Jane,
I empathize with you so much. My lovely husband passed away 9 weeks ago. We had been married for 60 years and courting for 4 rs before that when I was only15. He was my soul mate and best friend. He had cancer and was gone after 5 months, though cancer had gone and we expected him home from hospital in a few days.
I feel half a person now, lacking in confidence and motivation,
It wasn’t marriage made in Heaven, but we loved each other deeply.
For his sake I am forcing myself to get out and about, and meet friends even though it’s the last thing I want to do, as I know it is what he would want me to do.
So I patiently wait until we meet again in a better world.


I’m so sorry for your loss.
You were together so long.
I was with my husband for 42 years and I know how deeply it hurts.

I lost my husband 15 weeks ago and I’m still struggling.
But like you I force myself to go out and make myself carry on, because that is what he wanted, me to go on living.

I’m glad you’re trying to live your life while you wait to be together again

Sending a big hug x

Sorry for your loss. I agree with your last sentence, says it all.

So very sorry Dawn P.

I too feel like half a person.

Miss him so much.

Sending love and a big hug,

Rose xx

Thank you Jane.
Big hug to you too, also SadGirlfriend and RoseGarden.


I can sympathise entirely with you, the same happened to my husband about 20 weeks ago. He, too, was gentle, intelligent, laid back and kind. He, too, collapsed and died without any warning. We had been married for 32 years. Im still struggling to believe in the alternative universe that I now inhabit. Much love and strength to you.


So very sorry.

Sending you big hugs and lots of love.

I understand your struggle.

Rose xx

Thanks for sharing Rose.
its a rotten club we’ve joined.
Thoughts and prayers to you.

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Thank you so much.

Your thoughts and prayers are very much appreciated.
