AMAZING!! I LOVE IT! Thank you for the inspiration.
I talk to my husband all of the time too.
AMAZING!! I LOVE IT! Thank you for the inspiration.
I talk to my husband all of the time too.
Hi @Reality. When we lose them, most of us have regrets and questions, such as I wish I had done that, I wish I hadn’t said that, why did she say that? Etc etc.
It’s the best (and only) chance we have and talking it through with them and sorting it out, and we either need to do that, or carry around those regrets for ever. We would much prefer to have sorted out these things when they were still here, but it’s never too late.
Keep chatting.
Yes I get frustrated sorting out their mistakes. Second year call about my late husband’s hearing aid right in middle of a conference call when last year I replied hexwas dead.
They are too lazy and uncaring to change their records. I am afraid I am very blunt and just say he is dead and plonk down the receiver after everyone has then heard. Still get letters addressed to him.
Getting less but junk that goes in the recycling bin.
On the bright side the one remaining tree we pruned has flowered again in lovely white blossom which is how he used to keep it in his memory.
Some of the bulbs he planted have survived and popped up in bloom also to cheer me up. I have got an old shirt if his on and still wearing his new unused slippers.
Dear @tykey
How wonderful. What an amazing thing you and your 4 legged companions did.
Your post my heart smile.
Thank you
Nothing on your scale, but last July my two boys , Bichon Frises, did the Race for Life. And we have signed up to do it again this year.
Love hugs and strength to everyone Reading this thread.
I love the bichons! My two mountaineering pups are half bichons (poochons)
Dear @Ilovehorses
I love your photos of you and your 4 legged best buddy too.
What would we do without our little companions?
I honestly don’t know if I would have survived the last 19 months (on Sunday) without mine.
I call them my little guardian angels in fluffy white coats
Well done you! and your furbabies
Fab photo
Whilst we are posting piccies of our pooches, here’s mine, without whom etc etc…
Poochon sisters, Rosie on the left, who has appointed herself to be in charge of finding a new Mum (and a new unwanted wife for me). On the right is Crumpet who has decided that if I get a bit emotional, she has to jump on my chest and lick my tears.
Yes I looked on that group about solo travellers. I am trying to pluck up courage but last year my son took me then left me alone in middle of week in a holiday bungalow with no car so was reliant on bus or taxi.
I just about coped by doing my painting. I did force myself to speak to people and did get on a bus once and got a lift another time to the beach and walked. I went in a pub inside and outside.
Had few wobbly moments I will be honest but I was proud of myself for taking one step at a time.
I am trying to pluck up courage to go further. I used to go on my own twenty years ago. But it was scary then. Can’t pretend otherwise but I did it. I learnt a lot then.
I think you did brilliantly doing that on your own. It takes me all my time just to walk to the local shop let alone go away on my own . I think it takes a lot of courage so well done.
What beautiful girls.
They are your little guardian angels .
My boys are called Treacle (9 years) and Bobby who will be 2 in June.
Thank you all for posting your doggo pics! Alan and I were planning on acquiring a four legged friend this year and I would appreciate some advice ! Alan was retired so our dog would have had him there all the time. I would still love to have one but I still work part time and I’m wondering whether that would be unfair to him/her. I do have a lovely friend who would be available for dog walking sometimes on the days I work. What do you think? Cheers x
A lot depends on how long they might be left alone, with gentle training, 3 or 4 hours is probably as long as they should be left, and best in a cage.
If you intend to get a puppy, they need a lot more of your time.
Either way, I would look at rehoming an adult dog if they are to be left at home.
Difficult, but with huge potential rewards.
But, if it goes wrong, you are left with a problem.
Good luck with whatever decision you come to.
My son did go on a walk with me actually but how would he get back home without his car? I would have needed my old car which is automatic. So I was grateful. Just explaining how challenging it is really to be on your own. I can’t walk more than a few miles. It is really baby steps for me. Learn to be more careful when and what I book up. How to swim in sea and not risk your stuff being stolen when you are on your own? Where to put your card/phone? In waterproof bag round your waist? As yet haven’t solved it?
@LonelyPanda hi Rachael I have just read this… what a inspiration you are. Such deep emotional words. Your Chris was so lucky to have you. I’m so pleased that I met you as you are beautiful inside out Xx
@Hazel.1966 Thank you my wonderful friend. I know that it is only by having the support of people like you in my life that I’ve made it this far.
I am truly blessed to have you as a friend. You are a beautiful person xx
such a lovely lady
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