2 years after becoming a widow

Hi read all your stories and its so sad how people treat us grief affects us all eventually and there’s know way of getting away from it, it’s true people do think you should be over it grief it’s a horrendous thing we all have to go through and we do need support not being told you should be getting over it now some people can be so cruel I myself was with my husband 51 years we went everywhere together then one day he’s gone and now my life like yours has totally changed and I don’t like it I’d give anything to have him back again but know I can’t and yes its a very lonely life, know matter what you you always come back to an empty house


Thank you and you. Xo

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They just dont get it do they, even if they dont understand how it really feels ( until it happens to them). You would think they would try and have a bit of empathy.
I too, look for my husband when i’m out and about, see other couples together, I think to.myself ‘its just not fair’.
I went on holiday with my family last week to Cornwall, it was mine and his favourite place , I had a couple of meltdowns whilst there, my family got quite cross with me , and I just cried and said “Terry where are you” ? ‘This is hell without you’
Dont know how i am going to live like this for the rest of my life without him being there for me , love :broken_heart: and miss him so much :broken_heart: :cry:.
Thank you for your kind words and understanding of my circumstances and its comforting to know someone else feels exactly the same as me .
Look after yourself :hugs: :kissing_heart:



I understand exactly I’m 9 weeks in so I still expect it will be difficult.

I was out in the garden it was sunny and I was weeding my darling wife’s plants.

I was ok for 30 min then I just looked upto the sky and shouted where are you floods of tears and gardening over.

Life will never and can never be the same I realise that but never just how depressing and bad it actually is


Yeh its tough Steve, its the toughest thing i ever had to go through ! But the pain eases ya know … honestly it does …it just takes time xx


Deb 5

Thanks for your comments and I think you are correct it’s all a matter of time to get some improvment


I am right … have you had some bereavment counselling ? Really helps you know understand it all x


Deb 5,

I have considered it but not sure how to access it

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You can do it online with sue ryder … it really helped me you know … it was brilliant … btw youre same age as me … where in Cheshire do you live? My sister lives in Congleton x

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Thinking of ypu Steve.
It is so hard but you are in the esrly stages yet and its very very raw. Take care .


Hello Steve,

I lost my husband in the same sudden and unexpected way.

My husband did so much n the garden and I have had times when I can be out in the garden and then crumble.

I understand and know the pain you are feeling.

Big hug

Rose x


I empathise with you Steve lost my wife of 54 years February this year I have good days and bad days eve Ning are worse try to keep busy and take my mind off it then come across something of hers and it starts me off not so bad as I was 4 months age but still hurts a lot keep your chin up all the best


Thanks for your advice I like you have good and bad days and some in-between.
But realise things will eventually get better over a long time


Lyndak been reading through some of people stories and I just see your one and I’m sorry to hear how awful that must of been for you. It’s bad enough losing our loved ones :broken_heart: but not like that. Sending hugs :hugs: to you

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