3am club

Does anyone have the sleep pattern like me Rubbish at sleeping


Yes me I’m still wide awake


Even before mum’s death I’ve never good at sleeping. In uni i used to do essays/homework at silly am. When i worked as an au pair i often did wsshing and ironing at silly o’clock. My sleep pattern is a bit like a farmer during lambing- late nights, short nap, early mornings.


Me too. Not sleeping is exhausting.


I’m also awake again at this time.
Brain working overtime.
It’s exhausting isn’t it.


I’m here! I know it doesn’t help my sleep patterns by going to bed early and surfing YouTube when I get there.
But that’s what it is, I’ve learned to accept it, stressing about it doesn’t make it any more enjoyable.
But I’m lying here, two of the best dogs imaginable are cuddling up to me, I’m in a nice comfy bed, the heated blankets are keeping me warm, it’s actually nice. There are many homeless people who would change places with me.
In some cultures, it’s quite normal to sleep in two phases. Sleep 4 hours,.get up, do something (,hoovering?), then go back to bed.
I think I’ll get up, have a caffeine-free drink and a sarnie, then maybe come back to bed. Maybe I’ll turn off this machine, and read a good book, or listen to Journey into space on the radio… I remember trying to listen to it, there were about 16 episodes. For some reason, whenever I got to the last episode, I always went to sleep, it was really annoying!! It took months to find out how it ended.
It is what it is, it’s how my life has turned out. Beating myself up won’t make me happier. (I’m pretty happy again, thank goodness)
I’ve just had this message come through.

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Yes being on the screens isn’t good for sleep. I know this all but maybe the comfort I get from others in the same situation makes it a bit easier to endure.
So I keep doing it. Although am worse than normal which I think is because my husbands first anniversary is coming up soon.
And I’m starting to do more work related activities to push myself and I think that’s all adding to the stress.
I’m gonna get a drink also and then come back to bed. See if I can get a few more hours in.
I can see I’m rambling. Sleep deprivation really sucks. X


I stay up until I can no longer stay awake. Then, I crash for a few hours and nap for a couple of hours in the early afternoon.

Other nights, I am in bed early, and sleep 8 hours.

If I have an appointment the next day, I take a sleep aid so I can get to sleep and be rested for the day ahead.


Sometimes I tell myself that I haven’t slept a wink. Even if I go to bed at 7pm and get up at 8am
That’s 13 hours!!I’d be somewhere between bored out of my skull and a gibbering idiot if that was reality
There’s no way I laid there wide awake for 13 hours, I can’t remember being awake for more than half an hour, but maybe 2 or 3 times??

I remember the time I was awake, far more than the time I’m asleep . So maybe things aren’t as bad as I think they are.

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I’m told that as you get older and older, we need less sleep. Maybe I’m older than I feel. Why don’t I just get up and take the dogs a walk? We would all enjoy it. Why not, I’ll keep asking myself. The same answer keeps coming back , " because it’s what you don’t do, is it,".

The real answer is I can’t be bothered and it’s cold, wet and windy.

I’ll do it tomorrow, except the forecast is much worse. If I lived on the coast I’d go and see how big the waves were. Going out to see an old tip, doesn’t seem so attractive.

Maybe I’ll do it the day after.

No, I’ve got it, I’ll go and play my new keyboard. I really do need to practice, and I can wear my headphones so I don’t bother my lovely neighbours. That’s after my caffeine free drink and snack.

There’s always a way​:grin::fondue:

Whatever you do, enjoy it. See you, same time, same place tomorrow.


Gosh I don’t realise I had so many people in the 3am club.
Love and best wishes to you all as I face another day.


Yes it is awful when you’re restless, however I did manage a few hours. Just motivated myself to do some housework and was going to go for a walk but it’s now raining here in South Yorkshire so perhaps not lol x


Never say that @Yorklan . Here in South Yorkshire it’s wall to wall warm sunshine every day!!! :grin::sunny:


@tykey I wish it was :joy: it would save on the heating bills lol x


Yep. 5 months on and my sleep pattern is still shot.


Here we are again, it’s 3.00am. But I’m putting a positive spin on it. Why can’t I sleep? But I can! I went to bed at 7.00pm to cuddle up with dogs , in the warm, and watch the Rugby on TV. Sadly,( or happily if I was Welsh) I never made it to kick off time. I woke up at 3.00am wondering if it had kicked off yet. The positive spin is that I had done my eight hours!! So what’s the problem?
So I got up, made a cuppa and sat in the conservatory, in “Her chair”, and talked to Penny about my day, about our lives together (good and bad), my feelings, and most importantly what her dogs have got up to. Where’s that hour gone,?
I’ve always chatted to her, not as often as I used to when my life first changed. Where have those 3 years gone??

I’ve learnt the great skill in these chats of smiling , but still with watery eyes.

So if you are in despair, hang in there, because it can really mend itself, just takes time. Life is still good, only different, I can’t believe how many positive changes I’ve made. I’ve not left Penny behind, she’s still always walking with me.
I’ve just noticed her ashes are inches away from my seat, waiting for me. That’s now a great comfort to me.

Apologies for my mental wanderings, but the early hours are the best time for that. It makes me feel better, anyway​:pray::heart:
Where’s my book?


5 months for me too, and I’m the same. I slept better in the early weeks than I do now.
Then I feel bad when I want to sleep during the day.

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4.45 am and still not been to sleep. I think I’ll get up and make a drink x Anyone else still awake?

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I am! I’ve just found myself thinking I’d love a Yorkshire pudding with beef gravy. Strange what you think about if you free your mind.
Sadly, I can’ make puddings like Penny, (because she was a Yorkshire lass, and it was part of her DNA). Plus I haven’t got any gravy!
So that was a thought wasted :unamused:

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Well I’m a Yorkshire lass but I don’t eat Yorkshire puddings :joy: I’ve just had a drink and a chocolate biscuit x