How do I mend a broken heart?
My entire world has fallen apart.
How do I find hope in a brand new day,
when the one I love has gone away?
My mind overflows with memories of you,
of all that we’ve shared, all that we knew.
I long for your touch and your warm embrace,
the look in your eyes, the smile on your face.
My dreams are filled with your soft gentle kiss.
I wake and cry for all that I miss.
How do I mend a broken heart,
when my one true love and I are apart?
My heart knows to love only you, it won’t let go, what do I do?
Our moments together were precious and few.
but I cherished them all more than you knew.
I love you, my angel, and always will.
I loved you then and I love you still.
It’s lovely that’s how my broken heart feels
That’s a lovely poem and sums up how we feel x
Hi Debbie57 and Barbara61
It doesn’t feel like our broken hearts will ever mend does it?
It’s 74 weeks since I lost Alan, and the heartache is just not healing.
Take care and a hug for you both xx
Hi @sad2, it’s been 69 weeks since I lost Doug, I know what you mean the heartache never goes away.
Sending big hug to you and @Barbara61 too. X X
@sad2 dear sad that is a beautiful poem and is exactly how we all feel. Thank you for sharing. Love and hugs xxx
Thank you Casey1. Your kind words are much appreciated.
Returning a big hug for you xx
We’ll certainly never be the same will we. Just have to plod on and do the best we can.
Hugs to you both @sad2 @Debbie57
Thank you for posting this lovely poem. So sad and so true, relate to every single word.
A most beautiful poem and it says it all , Thank you for the words that says it all
Thank you for sharing the poem it is how we feel our hearts will never mend miss my husband more each day life is hard
Take care all xx
Just sums up how I feel 6 weeks of yearning fie my love of my life .
I was lucky to spend time with him he genuinely loved me the only one
A beautiful poem, I lost my wife and soul mate 6 weeks ago and sob my heart out every day.
That was so beautiful and so how we all feel. It’s good to be with those who understand because so many don’t x
How right you are people on here sadly feel the same but unless it’s happened to you they don’t understand at all
That’s a lovely poem and they are beautiful words that I am sure many people can relate to.
Thank you for posting
Welcome to the community Andel.
Thank you for sharing your sad news. That must be so tough for you at the moment.
There are many people in the same or similar circumstances on here, who hopefully you can share thoughts and ideas with.
Take care and keep posting - hopefully with time the tears will lessen and things will start to feel a bit less bleak.
Thank you fir sharing that beautiful poem sums it all up
Hugs to you x
This poem is so true in every way x
Beautiful and so true. Exactly how I feel.