A mixture of general chat

I got to confess lauren thought of that :joy::joy:

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Sounds my kinda woman :joy:

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Or part your beard down the middle, then tie it on top of your head. One of the symptoms of porphyria, is the growrh of black hair on the face and hands, this is where the legends of werewolfs came from, Stan used to shave me at least once a week, I told my GP that I was going to get a job as a bearded lady in a circus :grinning: Our grandson was stroking my face one day and he asked me why was I growing whiskers? It soon disappeared when I started having venesections.


I have heard of that, oh how funny bearded lady lol
Was it painful a venesection? X


Silly me it’s like a blood test isn’t it Mary x

It was when the needle went in, Steph, like a knitting needle, it is just like being a blood donor.

hi MrsColt sorry for jumping in.you could just shave your eye brows and draw them on with what looks they used a marker pen ,like lots of ladies appear to do.and try not to give your self the startled look like so many do.
please take my comment as tongue in cheek and im very sorry if any offence is caused,and I accept no responsibility for any mistake made whilst drawing your eye brows on.


I was laughing so much , she wondered what was going on :joy::joy:

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That does sound painful, I hate having normal blood tests :weary: x

:joy: I know what you mean x

Thanks for your suggestion Ian I shall certainly think about it… thought about it, no way :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:


:joy: how’s the beard coming on this morning, enough for a wig yet :joy::joy::kissing_heart:

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im guessing Denis healey is a distant relation.

sorry if this is your grandson no offence intended

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:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: very funny x

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actually a very attractive lady but im not to sure about the eye brows
sorry again for any offence,and will leave you ladies alone to discus beards I believe the topic was about


:scream::joy::joy::joy: ha ha x

Now that has made me proper laugh out loud Ian :joy::joy: nice one :+1:

I have not even had my shower yet :roll_eyes: but once I have then the tweezers are coming oot! I may be some time :rofl:


:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: see you later x

MrsColt can this lady please borrow the tweasers after you just got a few hairs to remove from her chest ,and have you got a razor she could borrow as well…sorry Ladies ,
im having trouble beliving a lady could be this hairy…
again very sorry for any offence.and will try just go away and leave you ladies in peace.

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