A mixture of general chat

:rofl::rofl: She is beautiful as well. I have abandoned the tweezers Ian and have graduated to the lawnmower :joy: Even my little Daisy is a big ball of fur that’s not a euphemism Daisy is my dog :rofl:

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11.30 and I am just dressed :roll_eyes: I must do something productive today I am getting so lazy. I am toying with washing the car :grimacing: and running the hoover round :roll_eyes: I don’t know how much longer I can cope with this glamorous lifestyle :joy:

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I’ve just got dressed :roll_eyes: the longer I’m in my pjs the more lazy I am and more can’t be bothered to do anything :joy: we are so glamorous :joy: x

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she is very beautiful lady just a bit hairier than the average lady. :neutral_face: :grinning:
will leave you ladies in peace now,finally lol

I think this lockdown is sending us crazy :scream::grimacing:x

Glad you are as bad as me :+1: see I was going to be productive but I have come back on here :joy: ah well soon be lunch time :blush: I may try and groom Daisy :scream: she’s a bit of a wriggler though which is a worry but it’s getting warmer and she must be hot bless her. Watch this space :crossed_fingers:

Good luck with that , I remember trying to do my little dog it was back breaking, hard work x

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It is sometimes, Steph, and I have some beautiful bruises to prove it. The worst part of having pophyria, is not being able to go out, the daylight and the sun cause me to have huge water blisters. :poop: :poop:

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: @ V

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That’s awful Mary, was you born with it or has it developed, sorry to sound dumb, x

You are not dumb, Steph, yes it was in my system when I was born, I am convinced that my mum had it and two of my cousins on her side of the family. It is such a rare condition, even a nurse asked me if porphyria was where I went for my holidays? :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

:joy::joy: has it got worse over time? It must be so hard not being able to go out :pensive: xx

Hey Steph, Daisy turned out not too bad :+1: once a hairdresser always a hairdresser I’ve still got it :rofl::rofl:


Aww she’s so cute :blush: did she keep still x

She wasn’t too bad didn’t like me trimming her bottom :roll_eyes: but overall she was fairly good. Just wish I could cut her nails but it’s a two man job, one to sit on her the other to do the trimming :joy: Hey who is that pretty lady on your profile, is it your daughter :joy:

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:joy: I think you might need glasses :joy::joy:

20/20 eyesight me :+1: very pretty. Love the wee dog :heart_eyes::heart_eyes: baby is cute also :heart:

It was taken last year, I aged about a hundred years since then :roll_eyes::joy: that’s my little granddaughter, she’s turning one next week, I won’t be seeing her only on FaceTime :sob:and my daughters dog Arthur

Aw that’s a shame you won’t be able to celebrate the wee ones 1st birthday :frowning: bloody lockdown. What have you done today? Have you managed to fill it ok? I had my cousin on the phone for 3 bloody hours :roll_eyes: her Husband shouted ‘Hey Van why don’t you come down for a holiday it would be cheaper than the phone bill’ :joy::joy: bless her she always checks on me to make sure I am coping ok x

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It took me a while to get started :roll_eyes: I popped out for a walk and got a couple of bits from the shop , can’t run out of chocolate :joy: . Took Lauren to work, she was having driving lessons but like everything has to be put on hold :roll_eyes: then just flopped on the sofa :joy::joy::joy: just feel so bloody lazy. That’s nice a good chat , you don’t realise the time sometimes :joy: have you felt ok today ? Xx