A mixture of general chat

That’s a good idea :joy: I love m&s food , you go in for a look and come out with stuff you don’t need xx

I know it’s fatal for your purse. I pack the freezer with ready meals and have a mixture of them and home cooked. I remember buying these meals for one for my mum never thought I would be buying them for myself :cry:

:cry: it is sad , I don’t tend to eat properly when I’m on my own , it seems pointless I just pick at things. Xx

It’s eating on your own I hate. It’s good you have Lauren to cook for or you would live on toast and chocolate :yum: x

I could easily just live on chocolate :joy::joy:xx

Me too :blush: I will have type 2 diabetes by the time this lockdown is lifted x

Lol and I’ll be covered in spots and have no teeth :joy: I’ll definitely need that bee keepers suit :joy::joy:

:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: very true. Aye we are going to be in some state by the end of this x

We certainly will :joy::joy: oh well I suppose everyone will look the same :joy: x

Aye minging :joy:

There be queues outside hairdressers for weeks :roll_eyes::rofl:

I know, be queuing everywhere. It’s going to be a long time till things go back to some kind of normal. As if we have not had enough disruption in our lives :roll_eyes:

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Yes you’re right, xx

Well Mrs I am off to bed :sleeping: hope you get a better sleep tonight. Talk tomorrow :kissing_heart: night night xx

Night v , talk tomorrow :kissing_heart: