A mixture of general chat

Thank you Steph,
Stan taught our grandson to fish from being 5 years old, the time came when he took his granddad to Scotland and did all the driving. They had a magical week together.


Lovely memories to treasure :blush: xx


Another emotional clap for the nhs, :clap::clap::clap:


From me too, Steph :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:


How are you Mary xx

Thank you for asking, Steph, I am better today than I have been. This last week has been agony in the afternoons, grieving for Stan. This lock down doesn’t do any of us any good, I say this as if I am pronouncing the wisest observation of the century, :grinning:
How are you, Steph? Daft question when we are all suffering.
Take care and please stay safe.
x x x x


Anyone else buying stuff they don’t need online cos they are bored :roll_eyes: I have just bought new tweezers,hand cream, 2 nighties and a necklace that I will probably never wear!


Sorry to hear you’ve had bad week mary, it’s so hard when it hits again and it seems to last for days and then it lifts slightly it’s so draining :weary:
I think the longer this is going on, the more down we will feel. I’ve not had a bad day today, but see what tomorrow brings :roll_eyes:
Sending a big hug xx

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I know what you mean , it’s just so boring, I’m constantly looking online , haven’t bought anything yet though :rofl::rofl::rofl: xx

It’s only a matter of time Steph :wink:

I’ll let you know what crap I’ve bought when I find it :joy::joy::joy:

Get your ass on eBay and Amazon :joy:

:joy::joy::joy: I’m always on amazon lol x

Me too, What did we do before Amazon. I saw a delivery driver in the paper saying ’ please stop buying tat as we are risking our lives delivering it’ :grimacing:

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I know I do order a lot from there, I do feel guilty that they are still delivering, they just leave it by the door so don’t even see them , it’s like it magically appears :joy::joy:

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I know, the doorbell goes and you open the door and fall over the parcel :joy:

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lol have you done online food shopping xx

I have done my big Asda shop online for years now I can’t get a flaming delivery slot :roll_eyes:

Same here :roll_eyes: have to go out and get stuff looking like a monster from the deep :joy::joy:

Get a bee keepers outfit that will hide you :joy: I went to m&s last week spent £92 :scream: but I won’t need to buy anymore food till August :joy: