A new year

It is now 2024 so let’s all bring some positivity in to this brand new year. For those that want to that is. We cannot change the past or bring it back but we can step forward with hope for the future and for all those further along in their grief, 10mths for me, I hope we can show all those that are newly bereaved there is light ahead and we can cope and learn to live alongside our loved one’s so Happy New Year


I truly hope so @Sarlyn. I really do want change for the better this new year. x

Life is what you make it


Hi @Sarlyn , thank you for your positive post , I know I have to try harder this year to live , but really don’t know how to or what to do , I had been with my husband ,from us both being 16, we didn’t bother with friends , we just wanted each other , so he was the only life I knew . I’m sitting here wishing I was back to work tomorrow, but still have another week , I have just been watching the football on telly , ( my team won ) but now what do I do with the rest of the day , apart from chat on this site . It’s just so hard trying to think of a way to live without him , but I do know I must , it’s been over two years and I feel like I am just existing . I do really need to sort myself out , xtake carex


Its 8 month for me and im very much alone .Family abroad .And making new friends is not has easy has people make out so im struggling to see any positives for 2024 .Just exsiting not living tbh


Who do you support @Broken2222 im obsessed with football and has been my saviour, both watching and playing. I too feel like im just existing. I was thinking of getting a half season ticket, might help me to do something. Is this an option for you x


Hi @Skip , I support Sunderland , I couldn’t go to a match , it’s sort of stupid ,but I feel claustrophobic when a lot of people around me .watching it is my saviour too. But it’s crap watching it on my own . Who do you support . There’s a match on tonight I’m going to watch . So at least I have a couple of hours with something to do . X take carex

Hi @Broken2222 i get what you mean about feeling claustrophobic and have that fear too. I support tranmere so not many supporters there so hoping i could manage it. I also support liverpool so I’ll be watching that match tonight too. I did go to watch the everton women play and was alot fewer fans was much more manageable and also met some of tge lionesses in with the fans. Take care too x

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Yeh easier said than done @Sarlyn im afraid … i try but theres always something thrown at us to bring us back down it seems to me anyway ! We are in a very vulnerable position and the world knows it too ! Its dog eat dog out there ! all we can hope, for me anyway , s somehow we can get some hope and strength from somewhere !

My husband loved football … he wss born in bradford and so supported them. He had a season ticket … bless him … they all signed his new football shirt and manager sent him a message when he was ill … ive framed his shirt and its on the wall xx

@Deb5 it’s the trying that’s important, that’s all we can do. We owe it to ourselves because nobody will do it for us


Ah what a lovely gesture by the club and lovely that you have it on your wall. Bradford are in the same league as tranmere, I’ll look out for their results x

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Yeh it really was so nice. Meant a lot to him. It was that last manager … cant remember his name ? Who they sacked ! Sent him a lovely message - even got a sympathy card signed by all the players . I think my brother organised it cos he knew the chaplain at bcfc . Xx

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And yes tranmere are ! I can remember him wstching them in matches xx

Yeh i suppose so but its been so hard over xmas ! I hope now its over i can move forward ! But as my mother always says … baby steps …!

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What a lovely thing for your brother to do. I’ll be looking out for bradfords results now take care x

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@Skip football has been a saviour for me too. I went back to Villa Park only a few days after he’d passed away, but my friends around were lovely. Us doing well is great, but I’m sad he doesn’t know.

And if there’s any on tv, like today, it fills the time.

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I think for me . I have got to make a decision . I have been grieving for 2 years now . I still feel very low at times . But I know deep down my darling girl would want me to brace up and deal with it . I have two foreign holidays booked which I am very apprehensive about Guided tours but still technically on my own . But I have to move on at some point . All the best to you all x


@Paddy53 Im glad you went back to it and your friends have helped. Villa are top with liverpool and im sure your man is somewhere watching and cheering you and villa on. Xx


@Sarlyn I agree. It’s 9 months since my husband passed away. I have decided I am going to try to be more resilient and pro active this year. I feel I have relied on friends and family too much. I have joined some groups and one in particular has been a life saver but I’m going to try to do more on my own, like travelling. Would like to hear what you and others are doing and what the success and failures are.