About the Losing a partner category

I would think the same as you. She is happy, and still loves you. Take comfort in it. X

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Hey Gary, Iā€™m the same the garden is the one thing I really wouldnā€™t want to lose, house items of materialistic value mean nothing to me but seeing her hard work in the garden Iā€™d be devastated to lose itā€¦ But like you I was clueless I knew what a rose bush was but nothing more then thatā€¦ I had to go to Google school :joy: learning when to do stuff what not to do and it keeps me feeling close to her, I get your scared to ruin it but learning and carrying on yourself I promise you it feels so nice and talking to her whilst you work on stuff.
Definitely give it some more thought, have faith in yourself your wife my not be able to do it anymore but you can live for her and carry on :slight_smile:

Also if you recall anything your wife tried to grow and couldnā€™t?
Iā€™m trying a few she couldnā€™t just so I can smile and poke my tongue out when I succeed :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

But thankyou for your replyā€¦ You too nenny :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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Hi like Gary & nenny I would take there advice. Iā€™ve never heard of a rose changing colour, and Iā€™m a great believer in our loved ones showing signs to help us. Take solice from it. Lots of love lost in limbo xxx


Yes that has to be a lovely sign from your wife. Gardens are very special places and itā€™s lovely that youā€™re having a go. My daughter says she feels closest to her Dad in the garden, when she visits and it has been my solace this year. Couldnā€™t be bothered with it, or anything , last year but this year have tackled the wilderness, planted seeds and been so excited to see them grow. Small pleasures! Love to you all x


Thankyou Anne :slight_smile: xxx

Jane, youā€™re so right in the small pleasures, I never realised how actually therapeutic garden could be for the soul or rewarding when you see something youā€™ve grown from a seed. Definitely a great distractionā€¦ Love to you all x

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Theres nothing like a garden to take you to another place. Iā€™m in mine every day. Glad you are enjoying also. Love to all xxx


I feel exactly the same , then I feel awful for being like it but itā€™s hard to see people happy when we are so unhappy , I just want Tony back to
Hold hands and walk with

Hi Debbie. Sorry for your loss. Iā€™m going to Mallorca today. We bought a small house a few years ago. We had planned to spend 6 months a year their in our retirement. Thatā€™s all gone now. At least Iā€™ve got my 3 daughters travelling with me. Not looking forward to being there. First time without Dianne. Iā€™ve just burst into tears at airport security because I had to hand over her ashes to be scanned. Iā€™m going to visit the beach where we had our honeymoon 38 years ago and spread a small amount of ashes Iā€™m taking with me.
Donā€™t think Iā€™ll ever be able to do this trip again. All the memories and loss of our future is too painful to contemplate
Take care
Gary x


Oh Gary I feel for you , how lovely you are taking Dianne with you I am sure and I hope it brings you some comfort , lovely to have your daughters with you for support
Take care


Dear Gary
Iā€™m so sorry your going through this pain itā€™s the worst . Itā€™s good you have your daughters with you to help you . Thatā€™s such a lovely thing your doing with your wifeā€™s ashes itā€™s a beautiful sentiment.
Take care Gary hugs to you

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I am sure it will bring comfort to you and your daughters to know that a part of Dianne is at a place she loved. Please have a good trip, and it doesnt matter if you cry. Fly safe. Xx

Gary, that is a lovely idea spreading her ashes where you went on your honeymoon, Iā€™m sure it will be a incredibly emotional trip, Iā€™m glad your daughters are there for support.
Have yourself a safe flight and take care.
All the best

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A wonderful things to do Gary, I wish you and your daughters find some peace in this favourite place.

Thatā€™s so lovely Gary, and Iā€™m sure your daughters are loving going with you. Try to enjoy the trip and just let your emotions flow as Iā€™m sure your daughters will do the same. Keep safe big hugs to you all xx

I am in the same situation. My family donā€™t understand and expect me to go on the same way I did when he was alive.

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Carol2 Iā€™m sorry for your loss you canā€™t think about pleasing other people when your grieving everyone is different and we all take our own time to deal with all the emotions and heartbreak do it in your own time and try not to live up to anybodyā€™s expectations look after yourself and do what you want to do .
Take care sending hugs to you itā€™s all so horrendous and we all feel the same


Hi Carole2, am so sorry for you. But it is good that you have posted on here. It helped me so much to know that people understood how I felt. I thought I was doing fine, then one little thing set me back. Please pour out all your feelings on here if you need to. If you need to cry, then do so. Or if you dont want to do anything one day then dont do it. Itā€™s been 4 months for me, but when I got up today, I just lay on the sofa all day. Didnt want to do anything. But maybe tomorrow will be a good day. I find I am having more good days than I used to. And you will find that too. Please reach out to people on here, it really does help. You wont think so at first, but I promise it will. Take care, and keep safe. X

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Hi Peter30. I just want to reach through the screen and give you a big hug. You are going through so much pain right now, but please carry on writing on here. Dont try to face this alone. We are all here to help, and I found it was easier to talk to strangers, that hopefully will become friends. Hugs sent to you. X


Hi peter30, Iā€™m exactly in the same place , 6 months ago I lost my husband and this week as been awful, keep trying to do things but then I get upset, cant make my mind up wether to go to a bereavement meeting but frightened it might make me worse. As anybody been to a group and if so did it help ? Would love to know your opinions if possible. Thankyou. Take care all of you sending hugs and love to you all xxx

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So sorry for your loss but reading youā€™re story of your roses prompted me to tell you about my rose bush , planted by my husband who passed away in March , he chose a white rose but it has produced red blooms ,and masses of them ,then after De heading them they have produced New white roses , this must be a sign surely, ?