About the Losing a partner category

Mentioning in a thread about using faith if you have one to get through. I did and sometimes but it isnt a magic wand.
Some well meaning others think so.
I watched a two part episode of Silent Witness on tv showing someone who died and found year later in bed.
Yes showed graphics but I was intrigued. When you are left you wonder about such things.
Especially when services not joined up e g. why is it some get support and others missed. Hear life style choices branded about but I think of autistic people and how does that work if they are isolated and so tragic.

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Oh.i cant watch silent witness ā€¦ youre very brave :frowning: you will have friends or neighbours wont you. Try not to let ot worry you. Night ā€¦ im having a funny sleep tonight xx

I have had my sleep. I fall asleep and wake up at night. If I try to sleep when not tired worse.
Not much can do.

Totally agree! Iā€™m not saying itā€™s easy but it is possible!

I have a great family and friends around ! Just yesterday I picked my grandson (7) up from school and had pizza with him and my daughter! Just a normal day helping out with the grandchildren and a fun thing to do!

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Yes, you are right. Faith isā€™nt a majic wand and some people find it helps. I watch Silent Witness and saw the 2 part you mentioned. It took me back to the job I did where I sometimes ha d to go about picking up scattered remains and putting them in plastic bags and crying over them. I have left that all behind now. I wish my family stayed close bye so that I could hug them. Itā€™s not the same on Facetime. I like this community. Take care.


You have a very positive attitude, youā€™ll be fine!

My wife had a strong faith which I respected totally (unlike me) but would often ask ā€œWhy meā€™ā€ or ā€œWhat did I do to deserve thisā€ !

I believe that people are inherently good (until they prove otherwise) but donā€™t believe in a faith as such - I couldnā€™t answer her questions except to say that she had led an exemplary selfless life and did not deserve this - itā€™s just a genetic lottery!

We had an absolutely wonderful chaplain in the hospital faith centre- she visited every to hold her hand and say a prayer with her !

She was absolutely wonderful and really helped helped me to get myself together after she passed and my world imploded

Hi. I hope that I didnā€™t imply that everyone should have a faith. I know that my daughter and he wonderful hubby donā€™t. Mine doesā€™nt seem to be helping me. But, there are people online here who are.

No - i certainly didnt read / interpret it that that way either, I certainly respect other peoples faiths / beliefs as i spent a lot of my career in the middle east amongst people of islamic faith and found they were some of the warmest and most kind prople i have met and likewise i have some lovely friends and family of Christian faith that i love and respect.

I am sorry if your own faith isnt helping you at this time and hope that you find some comfort and help to guide you through this ā€¦ there is life and light on the other side :slight_smile:

Well it is interesting reading these posts. Yes I woke up again as usual.
My faith has had a bashing. Hasnā€™t gone away. But it is hard to go to church.
My mum said if she didnā€™t have faith she would have no one else. (When she was widowed alone)
At times it is the only thing that keeps me going. I have doubts yes.
But we all do. Never promised an easy ride.
But does help reading Bible notes and calms me. But praying does help. Doesnt stop my grief.

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Yes , you are right about. The Faith being important and it hasā€™nt alway helped me but again as you so right.y said we were never promised the ā€œeasyā€. I only wish that I could stop feelin so useless and get my ā€œget up and go to come backā€. As I already said, I like this group anth positive help I get from it.


So sorry for your loss Peter, Iā€™m 55 and lost my husband 5 months ago.
Life is so cruel, we were so happy. We have no choice but to keep going and live for them . I find this journey incredibly hard and painful. I feel like itā€™s actually getting harder.
One day at a timeā€¦

My husband died 10 months ago. I have plucked up courage to go away to Dorset to our old haunts where we used to Scuba dive. I was amazed that for the first time I didnā€™t cry when thinking of our times here. It helps that Iā€™m here with our dog and staying at my sonā€™s home as my base, so Iā€™m not totally alone. Another first of the many Iā€™ve experienced this year - his birthday, our 49th wedding anniversary, Xmas, new year, my birthday, entertaining my neighbours without him at my side - they all took a toll, but I feel this week I may be turning a corner.


I hope you do turn a corner. It is 19 months for me. I keep thinking I have turned a corner too.
I went away last year and this year. I am staying overnight on my own tomorrow. Not the first time but just to break up being at home on my own and for a change of scenery.
Today in and out doing endless gardening.
The cat has gone away for a night too. Maybe she feels the same.