
Hi. I wish I could believe in the afterlife. I have had a really bad day, Thought I was beginning to cope a little better after almost 12 weeks. Total melt down today. Spent the whole day sobbing. My husband of 42 years passed away on 15th June and I miss him so much. If I could feel his presence by a small signal it would help me so much to know he was still with me in spirit. I am not a believer so it wont happen. I truly wish I could believe. It must be such a comfort to those who do.


Why not explore it? Maybe join an Alpha course, you just need to listen and at the end of the course you can take away whatever you feel. I’ve always had my faith, I wouldn’t force it on anyone but it may help? For me, I cannot imagine death being the end.

I believe I will see my loved one, who I lost in July, when my time also comes, that’s what my beliefs allow me to take comfort from. That will never change.

I’m having a low day today, and can’t convince myself that he might be with me now, that I’m a bit mad with grief to be talking to him, to his photos. I saw a robin on a rose, given in his memory, on the pot, a few weeks ago. On Tuesday, my son saw a robin perch there briefly. There are plenty of places it could have perched. A robin used to visit us often after my dad passed away.

It’s hard to know what to believe right now, but if anything helps it can’t be a bad thing.


She she, that immeasurable love is a force that stays with us. And to me it’s an unbreakable bond between us and our deceased husbands. I had a terrible day yesterday and I’m on week 15, but I talk to him every day and things have happened around our home that give me hope that his spirit knows I’m grieving for him. Stay connected, your pain and love are a bond that can’t be broken.


@SheShe I understand what you mean by wishing you could believe, for the comfort it must bring. This is the third week since my partner died, it was sudden and unexpected and I’m lost without him. I keep wishing for a sign that he’s with me, even just a feeling, but there’s nothing, nothing at all. I don’t have religious beliefs but I’ve always thought there has to be something. Like how can a person be here, and then not here. Not their physical body, but their spirit or their soul or whatever it is that makes that person who they are. But then if there is a soul, why is there nothing to show me he’s here?


Why dont you start by writing to him. Since my husbands funeral i have written in a book everything that i wish i could tell him. Anything from i wish you were here or something that the kids did that i found funny. It gives me comfort and feels like we still have a relationship. I believe he is here and there is an afterlife which also helps but writing to him could be a start. X


Thank you for all your replies. I like the idea of a journal. I will start writing to him. It helps to write my thoughts down which is why this bereavement community helps so much. Cyber hugs to everyone xx

I write a letter to my husband every day. Some of it grumbling that he buggered off without any warning! Most of it is telling him how much I love and miss him. It helps me. Xx


Thank you Willow. Grief comes in waves . Just when I thought I was doing ok - here it comes again. I hope writing to him will help me get out of this very lonely, desperately sad low trough I find myself in. I need to dig myself out although it feels like I’m using a teaspoon when what i really need is an industrial digger. xx

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I’ve been to heaven. I committed suicide…like 6 years ago. My dad died on September 11th last year . It’s helped me a lot that ive been to heaven. I truly know were he is. He’s just chilling. He was bed bound with cancer. So sounds bad… but I’m glad he died . Didn’t want him bed bound :S and he knows what I was on about now lol. He’s in heaven. He must of thought ‘‘poor Lisa being brought back after experiencing this’’ lol , least I know I’ll truly see him again.

Night Zzzzz