Alone lost my husband

I agree stevie
Margaret had our house lit up like Blackpool but I cannot do it.
I went to local shop and bought a tree with lights came home turned it on and that’s me. I too will spend Christmas Day with kids but not with mr Jameson as I will be in work on Xmas night I’d rather be in work than home alone and in total despair.

Your possibly right drinking myself to oblivion might not be the right thing to do. But I can’t face being around even my kids and grandkids at the moment I just get so upset Denise should be there with us and I feel so alone without her.

No drinking to oblivion sounds good to me and believe me I’ve tried just can’t do it on Xmas night as I’m working. I’m off Boxing Day maybe I’ll try it then.

Edwin I would send the cards anyway and add a sentence of your own just saying that you thought they might like to read the messages that your wife wanted to send them even if they are a year too late.

Hi, I wont be doing decorations this year. I lost the love of my life in july. Phil and I put up new lights last year which we’d bought for our new retirement home. Some retirement. Our dream ended before it had even begun. Miss him deadfully, everything about him. He was the most romantic, affectionate man. We only needed each other. Our kids are adults, they admit that they don’t have what we had. Life is so unfair, he should still be here. Without my best friend, life has no meaning. Yet I know I have to carry on until he comes for me,
A couple of weeks and Christmas will be behind us, at least we have this site,

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Oh Sandra, me too, me too

Dear Sheila, My feelings mirror yours. I m not at the club stage yet. Im just starting to venture out on my own. Didnt want to, forced myself for the first time last week. Am using taxis. Yesterday went to docs for meds check and walked round to the supermarket. Doctors so booked up that I cant have my thyroid bloodtest til 15th January. Im quite pleased with myself, thay Ive been out without company. That said, the only company I yearn for is not here. He was my protector and thats half the trouble, Ive never had to watch my back before, and I dont like it. I was never one of these independant ladies who do their own thing. I never wanted to. I needed my best friend by my side to feel any joy.
I havent posted for a few days. My brother invited my sisters and I to London for the weekend. I have to say it was a distraction, for the 2 days we were there. He had packed loads in, we went to see the dream girls, at the theatre… To be honest it was my first theatre experience, because it just wasnt something we did.
I was knocked out by the experience, and because of my emotional state it affected me deeply. When the lights came up at the interval I was extemely upset. Not just because Im near to tears all of the time, bet the musical era and the quality of the characters acting and singing. Effy and her superb voice brought all my emotions to the surface. So I started them all off, my syblings and my sister in law all drinking a glass of wine at the bar and feeling very emotional. The rest of the weekend was busy, shopping in Oxford street, dining in restaurants, I would never have gone to. He lives in a big house in Islington and I met his gorgeous dog riley for the first
time. Hes a welsh springer, so well behaved he is used to hackney cabs and when he is allowed in to restaurants and cafes he just lies down and behaves perfectly. I have never seen a dog petted and fussed as much as Riley. Stranger stop and pet him all the time. He tolerated us coming into his home, only barked once. I was quite nervous being so far away from home , but the only time I was tearful was when I got into a strange bed. I arrived back Sunday afternoon and was dropped off at about 6 pm. I closed the door and shouted Im back love, but dont think I needed to because theres no way he would have let me go to London without him watching over me. The floodgates opened and have cried buckets for the last couple of days. It hurts the most that he will never be with me physically on future adventures we had planned. I can only cope knowing he will be there in spirit
Sorry for the long rant

Love Sandra xx

Hi Kate , Youre so eloquent. Thats a beautiful post, but I was also married to the most wonderful man who ever lived ,

Love Sandra xx

Of course you were Sandra. We were all married to the most wonderful man (or lady) who ever lived. How lucky were we? In fact we still are married to them and will be forever. Sending love xx


Dear Sheila
I know how hard it is to be the only one left as all my family have gone and I have only a daughter who has visited twice since the funeral in July and a son who lives with me but works from home and hardly appears from his own room. I know he would move if he had a better job
Have you thought of getting another dog? It would be good company for you and a faithful companion.

What a lovely thing to say x

I hope I didn’t upset you by suggesting that but of course you are right and I was being thoughtless, sorry xx

Hi Sheila … the Cinnamon Trust can look after your animals when you are ill etc. They can fister them for hospital admissions and even walk them for you. Hope this helps.

Hugs, Sue x

Sheila I’m so sorry you can’t have another pet. They operate all over the country a d are brilliant with the animals. I’m in Lincolnshire and they looked after my neighbours dog for five weeks then walked him for a further three weeks. They were lovely people.

Pets are such good company aren’t they. I have my cat, Felix, now. My older cat died a couple of years ago aged 24.

I lost both my sons one aged 33 a d the other aged 36 … six years and 17 months ago. I feel like my whole future has been ripped away. They always looked after my cats when we were away. Now my neighbour feeds my cat. Husband has had a breakdown so life is gard. I do think our pets give us a glimmer of hope … somehow. My son, Jamie, lived here at home with us a f he loved Felix.

I really hope you manage to get through this difficult time of the year … it’s far from easy … but we can all help each other.

Hugs, Sue x

It’s lovely to read your comment, I will always consider myself married to Tim and feel so honoured to have been his wife xx