Anniversaries? Time for something new.

Hi all was given this link by @tykey i lost my wife May 1st 2022 and struggle most days but Anniversary’s just so hard, but what a great idea to mark it in special way. Obviously one of hardest anniversary’s is coming up and will see if can do something in Helen’s memory. Hello to you all.


Well done !
It looks like a small hill from a distance but it’s a mountain when you get to the top and omg what a view !
What about doing a marathon for charity?

I thought I’d update you on my flute project. I’m now just over three weeks of this project, and I’m delighted I started it.
The first week was spent trying to make a proper noise of any note, it isn’t easy!! There’s no reed in a flute, and you have to blow over an open hole,.like blowing over the top of a milk bottle. --Its not easy to do, and even harder to do it consistently. But I’ve got it cracked (almost!).
Then onto turning the noise (a toot) into a note. There are about 26 keys to press, but thankfully I only need 6 or 7 at the moment.I can now play 6 notes!!. In addition, I’m having to learn how to read a music score, some way to go on this!!
I’ve been playing one the teacher lent me, but I’ve now ordered my own.
It’s an added bonus for an old codger, that my teacher is a beautiful 22 year old girl, who is very gentle, encouraging, with a great smile😊.

The reason I’m mentioning this is that it’s a challenge made up of hundreds of small challenges, and I can pick up the flute for 10 minutes several times a day, and be proud of my progress several times a day. It’s the best challenge yet. I’ve half promised myself that next year I’m going to learn the didgeridoo (the neighbours are panicking​:grin::grin:)

Finally, @paeony , how’s the ukulele challenge coming on?

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Oh @tykey that did make me laugh. I’m glad you are enjoying your lessons.

I’m going really slowly with the ukulele. It took me several hours over several days to get the thing into tune again! I have tried to play the tune you sent, but its proving hard because my left hand gets crampy and tired after about 5 minutes. I’ll keep on trying.

Have fun!

My fingers get crampy and sometimes the joints lock, which means I have to bend them forcibly until they go “crack”. I now rub ibuprofen gel into my fingers every day, and that seems to improve it!! In the meantime, just sing along with Gordon Lightfoot?

I might start a one-man-band and go busking, I’ll call myself The Rootin’ Tootin’ Fluter!!


Well done you !
I wish I could find myself and a new challenge in life
Seem to have got stuck

Hi @Chri . A good start is to decide to do “something”, which you’ve just done,!
Secondly, just think of a topic which interests you, such as music, theatre, writing, nature, photography, outdoor activities, travel, being active in a sport etc etc.
Then tell us what you have chosen, and allow us to come up with something to do with that topic.

Choose one, and then do it!!

A second thought, which just came to me, looks out your local U3A group, and see what activities they offer

To be honest I don’t think I’m at that stage yet
I’ve tried thinking that way but soon move away from it