Anyone else dreading the dark night

I’m 10 months down the grief journey after losing my beautiful wife in Jan this year and have experienced all the waves and the up and downs that grief throws at us all, and although when my wife passed away in Jan, we were well into the winter and dark nights I was feeling that numb about losing her that I didn’t really notice the dark cold nights, but since altering our clocks this weekend It seems to have set some sort of panic into me, thinking that it will be dark at 4 o’clock and wondering what I am going to do with myself alone in the house during these nights ,so was just wondering if other were feeling this way.Take Care Mickere.


I feel the same! Lost my husband a year ago and dread the dark nights. Try and keep busy but it’s hard.


Yes I am feeling it too. Having only lost my husband in June it’s my first winter alone with dark nights & feeling isolated


The darker nights never bothered me before but I am not looking forward to them I lost my wife suddenly in February this year.


My husband died last September and this time last year is all a bit of a blur but I do remember saying that I wished it was the spring and the summer ahead rather than autumn/winter.
It’s awful closing your blinds or curtains and shutting everything out so early. Certainly doesn’t help with the loneliness.
Suppose We just have to get through it. Xx


Yes I am, I used to love sitting snug and warm together in the winter
Dreading it now
Take care


It’s the lack of conversation I miss. Sharing laughter or even the fact he didn’t think much of what I had on the TV! Last year I was dreading the long winter evenings and find myself still dreading them! Often wonder if I will ever be okay again.


Totally agree xx


Never did like the dark nights, I’m well into my second year now wish I could hibernate until the spring.

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Let’s all hibernate together and pop our heads out in the spring


I too get panicky about the dark nights, I’m doing things in the day but come night time and the blinds are shut early, theres nothing to do but watch TV and I get so sad Marti’s not here, we’d always sit and chat and have a giggle, I so miss my life before with him.


Roll on March…:tired_face:


It’s comimg up to year since C died and like you all turning the clock back has played havoc with my body clock and tbose anxious moments that only happen in the early hours. Feeling isolated and lonely at 4am is the worst time of day or night. Like you.Barabra this time last year seems so far away and blurred but at other times so real and just like yesterday too.


Completely agree! Keep going back to this time last year! Didn’t realise you could be surrounded by so many people but feel so lonely! Definitely the nights are always bad but the dark nightmare awful. 🥲


Yes. I too fear the dark nights. I feel alone and things always feel worse in the dark. It’s like children when they have their pyjamas on they look like babies again. I just want my mum and husband and they are not hear. It all feels so scary. Think of you all xx


8 months for me today .I can’t be in my house in the dark alone.Only stayed in house about 4 times but Have had family with me

Where do you stay when you are alone. I felt like you but fortunately my brother moved in with me so I wasn’t alone otherwise I don’t know how I would have coped. Sending you a hug x

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Been looking after my mum she’s 96

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I too feel the same it’s so difficult. Try and go out for a walk each day no matter how short or long or the weather. Get out the the house for a wee break. I know it’s hard to find the motivation to do anything but a wee walk in the fresh air will help a little bit. Sending big hugs.


It is so hard to find the motivation. I often wake up thinking what’s the point. I have just taken my doggie for half an hour walk and it did make me feel a little better. What does everyone do to fill the days. X