Anyone else dreading the dark night

I know how you feel. I hate my life now without my husband. I keep wanting to cry and cannot motivate myself to do anything to help how I feel. I wake up feeling panicky and I am so lonely. He died last July so maybe in time it will get less painful

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I volunteer and make myself go out for a walk every day even if it’s only around the block.and back. Have joined a local.widows group.and do Tai Chi at the local community centre

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I walk every day no matter what the weather. Fresh air and just meeting folk, saying hi etc. I don’t know where I’d be if I didn’t walk. :+1::hiking_boot:

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Now that sounds like a plan xx

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I lost my husband in July this year, and find the dark nights so depressing and long. I usually have a cry and then pull myself together and carry on. It’s terrible .


I wish I could wake up without the dreadful anxiety and stomach churning. I’m here again this morning :scream:


I too wake up every morning feeling panicky .


Me too I just wish I could go to bed and sleep.through the night without that feeling in the pit of my stomach . X


Hi Nel,
I also wake up with that awful feeling in the pit of my stomach that another day has dawned and it has to be filled. I have two 94 year old aunts in different nursing homes and I sometimes visit them. Otherwise I get in the car and go for a ride just to get out of the house.
I wish I didn’t feel like this as it’s exhausting but as my lovely Pete used say on numerous occasions when things weren’t good…‘It is what it is is’ and sadly it is.
Today is my birthday and I wish he was here. Sorry feeling a bit sorry for myself.
Love Jenny


Hello Kingfisher
I’m so sorry and hope you somehow enjoy your Birthday x
Your husband was so right in saying “ it is what it is “
Be kind to yourself especially today x

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Thank you so much Dee, your message means a lot to me. I’m meeting my sister later on today so that will be good.
Love Jenny x

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Very welcome, Jenny, sounds lovely x now have a happy day, (that’s what your husband would want )
Sending Birthday hugs,
Dee x

Yes he would Dee, thank you. Jenny x

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I feel the same! Just hard. :two_hearts:


I feel exactly the same after losing my Husband Kevin in August this year.
My story is a little different as I not only lost him, but also my Dog and my home, due to his family turning nasty after his death.
Greed and control ….
But yes these dark nights now upset me . I’m ok with the cooler nights, it’s just company I crave especially on these dark nights


I hate it ,I loved dark evenings cuddling on the sofa but since I lost my husband in August total shock
I don’t know how I am going to do the winter evenings


Another one here, not much liking the short days either.

I’m going to investigate some sort of night class, if such things still exist, as I think it’s good for the soul to do something creative - don’t ask me what though as I’ve not come up with anything as yet.

My first Winter without my lovely husband so I’m still finding my way and muddling through.


Me as well. My Husband and I loved cuddling on the Sofa at night. Good film on tv and snacks.
We loved the lockdown as well.
But having lost him Aug this year, I’m broken and lost.


I know how you are feeling I last my wife Jane 2 weeks ago I hate the dark nights I am send you lots of hugs xx


So sorry for your loss. It’s early days for you too. I listen husband last year just as the dark nights started. It’s definitely hard. Take care.