Anyone else dreading the dark night

Everything seems so much worse in the dark. The worst has already happened yet I still find myself panicking as the sat nights approach. Life is difficult at present. People say just live in the moment but what if that moment is crap. X


Yes me too! I lost my husband in April. First winter season & first Christmas upon us. All will be different now. I am usually a positive person & like to help others. I’m thinking of what I can do to help those less fortunate & get stuck into something that will help me through it.
To those who are at the beginning of their loss journey. Hang in there & talk about your loved one as much as you can to those you are most comfortable with. Sending my love to you all. xx


Know the feeling well x

I go to work by day as I have to as my husband died young so we didn’t plan anything and bills are building up. I work in an office on my own
I come home shut the doors and hate it I can’t sleep and the dark nights are just making things worse
How do you carry on when you feel like you have lost everything My husband was my everything only just getting over loosing my mum at 60 husband was amazing supporting me and now I have lost my husband too x


9 weeks since losing my husband and I dread night time. I find any excuse to not go in my bedroom. When I finally do go to bed I sit and stare at the walls and picture. I spend hrs trying to settle but nothing helps. I cry silent tears as not to disturb the children. Even had a argument with a star one night as knew it was him watching me and I couldn’t bring myself to turn my back on the window.


Dear Louise Oh bless your heart sending love and a big hug, your husband wouldn’t want you to feel pain like this,
Nights are the hardest and these desperate feelings will pass,
Is there anyone that can stay with you until you settle better at night, or perhaps sleep with the lights low, even sleep downstairs or another room for awhile, having children you need your rest, and know you won’t always hurt like this, try to take it one step at a time, but do keep talking about your feelings as better than bottling them up, let it all come out, hope this helps a little, and your not alone, we’re all here with you on the same journey …you take care x

You sound so like me
I have started sleeping or trying to with the small light on and I also leave my tv on has helped a little but daughter doesn’t hear me crying and I do doze little more than I did.
I keep telling myself my husband wouldn’t want this but doesn’t help but tell people it does xx


I feel for you.
My husband died 3wks ago tomorrow. I will always remember Mondays and him lying on the floor having just died so suddenly.
Just moved here with great plans to refurbish
How do I move on from this grief.
I am hoping I will come to terms with it once the funeral is over on the 24th Nov.
Thinking of you every day x
Take care x


Shelley my husband went in his sleep on a Monday the funeral helped as I felt I was dreaming the day is a burl I broke down on the day since then it’s harder because I know now I’m not dreaming .Monday’s have got easier I thought I would never be able to sleep on the Sunday I have to my daughter all the time just in case it’s going to happen to her I think that people who love ones died of cancer get support but like the us we are left to get on with it without this group I would have nothing but this group has really helped me I don’t know where I’d be if I didn’t have this group to talk to text messages of support that you get really help
All the best for the 24th will be thinking of you xx


Hello I too said goodbye to my husband in January. I am not a fan of winter or being alone. I am going to volunteer especially at the weekend. I am thinking of finding a hobby as a winter pastime to keep my mind busy. Hoping that we cope the best we can especially as it is coming up to Christmas and the 1st anniversary. Take care Leigh


Dear Annmarie
Thank you so much. I didnt realise so many people are suffering as I am.
You always think you are alone.
Grief is overwhelming at times and dealing with each hour is very difficult.
Having the group to chat too does help.
Love to you all . xx


I am dreading the dark nights Christmas new year everything without my amazing husband Michael took suddenly aged 53 in April this year 40 years together childhood sweethearts I miss him so much


I hate nights, and going to sleep. My husband passed 8 months ago. Im ok in the mornings and more or less during the day. Weekends are not nice.
As they say, we have to ride the storm.


Not even thinking about Christmas, but im determined to put decorations up and have a little celebration.


Bless you. I was wondering if I should do Xmas decorations? I’ll be brave & do the same. Thank you for that. x


Not good today and in tears all day.

The thought of Xmas is just too upsetting Sitting here on my own, I probably wont even bother to cook, just eat Christmas cake and mince pies. No family and friends will be with their families


Have a look around. I live in a small down and there is a local scheme where you can join other folk who would be on their own for all sorts of reasons. You could go along or if you want you could volunteer to help if you are up to it. It’s really hard.


Find someone nice to be with at Christmas, you are here for a reason like me, we just have to find our life purpose again.



My husband John died in January and since the start of the winter the pain and loss are worse somehow.
It’s so many months but I still can’t believe he isn’t here to share everything.
I agree with and understand everything everyone has written about the struggles. They seem endless .
Love to you all


I miss all that Annmarie sorry for your loss I lost my partner Michelle in February so lonely without her been lost till I came on here got a positive outlook now take care xxx