Anyone else dreading the dark night


Yes, I dread the darkness and can’t wait until it gets light again


I’m sorry that you have been in tears all day. I will be on my own at Christmas for the third time

Thinking of you

Time is getting close
Please stay strong another step done once funeral is completed as people keep saying to me it’s baby steps and that’s all you can do baby steps ,one step at a time and just remember that your husband would want you to be happy and smile again xx

I to walk most days or evenings, just being out of the house helps for a short amount of time,until I get back to a empty house.

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I walk every day but like you still not good at coming home. It’s worse after you d had a nice social time or when I’ve been away especially at this time of the year and often in the dark! Guess we just find ways to help. I don’t think anyone understands. Take care.

I am trying everything I can to keep busy but I still can’t get my husband of my mind I miss him so much that am desperate to be with him he’s only been gone 8 months died suddenly aged 53 we we’re together 40 years I feel my life is over I miss him so much

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Hi Eileen
We all feel the same. I too go out now and hate coming back to an empty and now cold
house due to the cost of living
I make sure I always get back before its dark and dont go out once its dark. John always did the night driving as I dont see so well

Added to my grief and constant pain is now the financial worry of having to run the bungalow on my state pension
Money was no problem but now with all the financial problems, it causes more upset and stress at a time when we are trying to get on with our lonely lives.

I think sometimes is it all worth it and why I carry on without the man I loved.
Thinking of you all every day xx

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