Anyone out there?

How beautiful you both look. I was told my husband died of bowel cancer which is on his death certificate I’m in the middle of an investigation only to be told that cancer of the pancreas was the primary nothing makes sense
Take care xx


@Bluecatmum77 a great photo. Focus on those moments x


@Bluecatmum77 That’s a really nice picture. Thank you for sharing that with us all. We talk here about our loved ones but I think it’s so good to share these images sometimes .
Here’s us in happier times in New Zealand



Thank you for sharing such lovely photographs of you and your partners.
It shows the cruelty of life that we have been robbed of the person we loved the most


Aw these are so lovely to see.

Here’s mine. Not sure if this has worked!
I’m the one on the left.



This is John and I x


Hi gang.
Wonderful. Just wonderful.


Dear Misty, When I saw these photos, I was choked up for words - they portray a time when you and your hubby were at a happier stage in life. I too, was once at those stages too - so your photos reminded me of a once happier time in my life. I recall seeing your name and messages on the forum a number of times, I think you may have responded to one of my earlier messages.
How nice it is to see photos of the people on this site. Once I learn how put a photo on I will put one of me and my lovely wife when we were a happy. So sorry for loss. Thank you for sharing the photo of your hubby – you both seem so happy together. Thank you again!


Our wedding anniversary was last weekend. Wedding photo on workbench in the kitchen. I cannot bring myself to post photo - it just breaks my heart staring at it and knowing I will never be that happy again.


Dear Sheila, I am sorry for your loss. I can only imagine how you must feel. On March 20, 2021 - I am going to the cemetary to place a rose on my wife’s headstone. This is the second time I do this - I kneel by her head stone, and tell her how I’m doing and how much I miss her, place the rose and tell her I’ll be back again. Seems sad, but I see many others doing the same… Please take care!


Dear Herb

Thank you. We are all in a terrible place. Nothing can really prepare us for this loss. We spend our lives investing everything into that one person and when they are taken from us we are dealt a hammer blow. I had my jab the day before our wedding anniversary and I think a combination of the side-effects and the enormous grief I felt on the actual date of our wedding was too much and I spent the day in bed. I had intended to visit one of our special places - perhaps with the current lockdown it was best I did not go but will leave it to another date.

What you describe by way of marking 20 March is quite wonderful. I will be thinking of you on the day.



Thank you Sheila, That day is her birthday. (Forgot to mention that).


Dear Riley, I am in total agreement with you - I find weekends to be very dull and uneventful - so I spend my time cleaning up the yards, or the garage. Even do the house at times. Just trying to stay busy.

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Hi all same hate week ends Mick passed away 21st March 2020 so this weekend is going to be worst.
Thinking of you all x


@Greencat1950 Hi Herb, yes we’ve chatted before. Looking at that photo took me back too. Monday and Tuesday this week, I’d have broken down. Today I’m lucky to have loved and been loved by this man for just under 20 years. Tomorrow who knows. Every day is so up and down.

I love seeing the faces to the names that we have all grown to care about. Such an amazing group of people :two_hearts:

Thinking of you Herb on your wife’s birthday and you @Kim5 on 21st. Remember we are here if needed xx

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Thank you Misty I will remember that. I wish you you well. As I had stated earlier I am sorry for your loss - your photos have proven proven that you were a real couple who cared for each other.
(I’m sure of that) Once again I am sorry for your loss.



What lovely photographs of your partners and happier times.
Here is one of Karen and me

And another one from a lifetime ago


@Greencat1950 Herb. I go to my wife’s grave every Sunday (it’s widely known I hate Sundays)
I freshen up her flowers, sit on a nearby bench and tell her my news.
As she is interned close to the edge of the churchyard I’m going to plant a rose this week a little distance from her by the fence . Me and my family will know it’s significance, and I’ve ordered an engraved flower spike to mark it.
I haven’t asked the Church for permission I’m just going to do it.
Some of the graves are covered in, windmills, solar lights, stone figures etc. She would hate that so I thought a lovely pink rose close by to her memory would be tasteful .
So you’d not alone in what you do, it’s how we cope isn’t it.


To all of you that shared photographs thank you. I find it helps me to share an image and put a face to a name and a life.
Some of you don’t wish to ,and we all understand that too.
Grief as we all know is a very personal journey and there’s no right or wrong. It’s what we’ll carry in our hearts forever that counts .
Wishing you all a peaceful weekend.



Hope you don’t mind I loved seeing the photos of your loved ones I have shared mine this photo was taken a year ago almost to the day he left me.
I’m so broken without him and I hurt for you all what a miserable existence grief is,
