Anyone out there?

Who knows? You can never say there is no god. Just like you can say there is no devil. But there is no evidence, the holocaust must be one of defining moments in history, against there being a god. But from personal experience, one day I prayed and my prayer was answered. Random, chance I don’t know. Suppose that is what faith is about, being able to suspend rational thought from something more comforting and avoid the truth.

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I am a believer of prayers being answered.

I have had my share.
Also I-have shared my testimonials.
It wasn’t random that your prayer was answered.
Thank Him for answering you.
I hope you remember that because it can happen again.
Take care
God is really real

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Hi Gary,
I still don’t know. I’d love to believe, but I cannot suspend my reality. I struggle to see a beneficent god, in this madness. A friend of mine tried to explain it to me. He said you need suffering. I cannot understand that at all?

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Hi George.
Believing is easy
You have to accept Jesus as your Lord of all.
He died for you and He loves you.

He is your Father.

He died on the cross for us. His was an act of love He loved us before we were even born.
He knows how many hairs are on our head
He knows everything about us…
You need a relationship with Him
Suffering comes when you are persecuted for His cause.
Also be grateful and thankful. He sees everything

Hello Bubba
God gives us free will.
Lots of things happen and it’s not God.
Some are.
When we accept Him and know He loves us
John 3-16.

We live in a fallen world and things are different than how it was in the beginning. man doesn’t want to accept Jesus
When bad things happen to us He gives us the ability to get through these times.

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Can you please set up another thread

He clearly doesn’t know how many hairs are on my head as I’m pulling them out reading this!

I respect your views but please set up a new thread for this religious talk. Many bereaved people will struggle that losing their loved one in the prime of life is God’s will!


Hello everyone,

Unfortunately, we have had to review this thread once again due to ongoing disagreements - I have been in touch with the members involved and am posting to let you know the thread will now be closed permanently.

As I said last week, we will always moderate posts and threads in line with our community guidelines, to ensure the community remains a safe, supportive and welcoming space for everyone. We have been concerned about a number of posts on this thread and other related threads because they are either unkind or disrespectful and they break the following guideline - the actions we have taken in the last week reflect that:

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