Are you ok?

Im feeling extra sad now, my husband died 3 months ago and now ive had to have my sweet gentle rescued greyhound put to sleep. She was fourteen and a half and getting really weak so my son and i had to make the decision which was so so difficult. I cant cope without my lovely husband i misshim so much!!!


So very sorry.

That is heartbreaking.

One of our cats is over 20 years old. He has the start of dementia and a heart problem.

He adored my husband and when the vet saw him, she said he was grieving.

He has been by side since my husband died. We have had so many cuddles that have helped both of us.

I really love and need him.

Please accept my condolences xx


Yes my greyhound Rosie loved my husband and im sure she missed him. I hope shes in heaven with him along with our whippet Snoopy.


Aw … so sorry for your loss ! If its any consultation i had to put my 16 year old dog to sleep 2 days before my husbands funeral ! Nearly broke me tbh … 2 losses in a month ! Jeez … after a lot of crying i decided to go get a puppy and i did and she’s sat with me now bless her ! Best thing i ever did !! Xx


I’m so sorry for all your extra losses. As if losing your husbands wasn’t enough.
Losing a pet can be just as heartbreaking, when we lost our beloved 15 year old dog my husband was heartbroken and said never again. I said maybe if ever I was on my own. Well now I am and I can’t decide what to do.

Take care everyone


Get a dog ! Best decision i made by myself ! Ive made 2 lovely friends cos of it too because they are dog walkers. They looked after me for last 6 months xxx


Totally understand xx


@Deb5 im so glad the puppy is a comfort . Hope you are ok xx


She is … and my friends i made cos of her - im ok thanks - just about xx


I had similar comments when my husband died, like “well you knew he was going to die didn’t you”
And those from some family, and friends I thought understand.

The phrase ‘You live and learn’ is never truer than in when dealing with death and grief.

Love hugs and strength to you all


Yes, i had the same from Nicks Auntie who he never really saw… and his cousin we saw 2yrs ago… well we all knew this was going to happen!
No, we didn’t. We lived in hope. Nick fought and for 8yrs was pretty healthy.
Always ran , cycled and looked after himself.
2 yrs ago he got shingles in his face then sepsis. He fought it and carried on. He got through covid.
He always said he would beat everything with a smile on his face. Always positive.
I hate negative people, especially family who never saw him or even asked how he was :sleepy::broken_heart:


Sending a big hug xx

Yes I know what you mean about people asking how you are. I have found that if I really get going as to how I am feeling not everyone can take it. So I alot of the time reply something like so so or its hard no easy fix. I dont think anyone gets it unless they have been or going through it . I am surrounded mostly by kind and thoughtfull people but feel very lonely from within and isolated too.


Yes i find the same gillybobs, so i just say i’m ok. I’ve found they don’t even ask now, i think they think, all is well now & if i try & say it isn’t, as you say, they don’t get it.

I totally understand what you mean. Sometimes I choose not to tell people how I’m feeling.

Brene Brown was brilliant. She said vulnerability is not weakness. It’s our greatest measure of courage.

Only when we are brave enough to explore the darkness will be discover the infinite power of our light.

I found a light on here. By being able to be honest and open with people. And share my deepest darkest stories and my anger withMyself.



Beautiful words and so very true !! Xxx

Coming up to a year, and I’m getting wound up as the date looms. Just when I thought my friends were starting to get bored with it all, one sent me it.


I love his work.

His messages are so right somehow xx


Same here, it was this day last year we got the tetminal diagnosis. 6 weeks later he was gone.

X x