Bad dream

I lost my partner 7 months ago .Last night i dreamt i saw him and he ignored me totally i was so upset i was crying and so upset he eventually spoke to me but seemed angry with me .I tried to shrug it off but its all i can think about .Anyone else had bad dreams ? Xx


Hello Hope 5, All I can do is send you a virtual hug. I have very weird dreams some bad some good. Who knows how our mind work when we are asleep?. Take care., Ann

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I have terrible nightmares about the death of my son. Its an added twist of the knife when you cant escape the trauma even in your sleep xx

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@Hope5 I dream about my husband sometimes now. Mostly we are just doing normal things not good or bad. I have had a few that haven’t been very nice. I try not to dwell on these as I’m sure it’s just our brains processing all our thoughts, worries etc. Hopefully, your next dream about your husband is a pleasant one.


Thankyou sending a big hug back to you .Im having a lot of anxiety and fears about the future so my head isnt in a good place maybe a lot to do with my dreams xxx

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I think your right my head is all over the place especially now its his birthday on wednesday then the dreaded Christmas and the pressure is building nothing is normal anymore xx


Yep … i had an awful dream on sunday night. Its when our minds are upset … its just a dream and youre probably just going through something at moment … x


I had one shortly after my fiance died. We were sat in a location I do not recognise, discussing the night of her death.
I asked her then if she blamed me for what happened to her and she said yes. It just confirmed for me what I had been questioning since the day she died.
It still messes with me to this day. I have to wonder whether that was her spirit actually coming to me to tell me or whether my grieving mind was playing tricks on me.
unfortunately there is no answer for this.

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Hello, I can tell you it wasn’t your fiancé in your dream, part of grieving is guilt totally unfounded but that’s grief for you, it was just your mind feeding of your grief guilt & playing tricks.


I do.agree and think.thats why i had that dream ive been going through that guilt stage for a few weeks and its horrible xxx


Your right, it’s just your mind playing tricks trying to process misplaced guilt from grieving, it took me a while to realise this and realise I suffered when I didn’t need too, they do say you only get guilt with grief if your a caring person?


I had the same dream just after my husband died. He was talking to loads of people but just ignored me. I tried so hard to get him to notice me. I was so upset. It’s been 4 and half years since he left me. Unfortunately I rarely dream about him even though I think of him all time.


I dreamt about my husband loads of times at the beginning ! He was talking to me ! Actually it was distressing because then i would wake up and realise it was a dream and he wasnt here at all … heart wrenching tbh … . x

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Loads of times, he left me and wouldn’t see me or talk to me.
He came home.
He went missing.
It’s apparently a way of helping you process it I was told


Yeh probably is ! How can the brain actually take it in that one minute your husband is here and then all of a sudden hes not ? Its too much to take in ? Another really upsetting thing happened to me - i saw him walking down the road after he had passed ! It was in my pure imagination but honestly i really thought i saw him - such is the brain and how it remembers things ! I used to think i had seen him at the bus stop when it was someone wearing a coat like he had or walking to the canal … someone who looked like him … it wasnt him ofcourse ;(

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I’ve seen him driving his taxi, walking up the path I get what you’re saying. Life’s cruel


I even doubt it was him who died (abroad missing passport) closed coffin obvs I know the truth deep down


Have you ? Not just me then ? I read somewhere that its the brain trying to process it … xx

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Counsellor explained why you think you see them but I’ve forgot :see_no_evil: only had a quick introduction start properly after Christmas.


I dreamt about him last night. He was allowed “back” for a day. He was well and said he missed me as much as I missed him. He didn’t want to go back, but had to be signed back in.

I’m sobbing again now thinking about him.