Bad weekend

I am having a terrible weekend. I lost my darling wife 15 months ago now and I can’t seem to stop crying. It is not getting any easier all I seem to do is remember her and how much I loved her. So sorry for everyone who has lost their loved ones.



I’m truly sorry for your loss :heart:

I am only two weeks into my brevemment, so I’m not so sure I have many words of wisdom to share.

I do know your wife would want you to be at ease and wouldn’t want you to be so distraught each day. Try and cherish the time you had together and the love you both shared. Try and live life for the two of you. Imagine if it was you who had gone, what advice would you give to your wife?

Be kind to yourself, sending love and best wishes xx


Thank you for your kind comment.


Hi GEOFF211 So sorry for your loss I do know what your going through I’m having a really bad weekend too although I’m trying to keep myself busy I just keep crying, it will be a year to the date Wednesday May1st I lost my husband but he actually he passed on the Monday which is tomorrow when he was rushed into hospital and passed hours later. Today Sunday is the day he told me he didn’t feel well at all and told me he wanted to get something really special for my birthday which is in a couple of weeks for all that I’d done for him and looked after him now I just try each day to get by and wait for the day it does get easier you take care


Take care x


I am so sorry that you are having a terrible day. I am also having a terrible day and cannot stop crying. When I am home alone I find the lonliness unbearable. I have no family and just two friends who understand how I feel. They keep in touch but the house feels so empty without my partner who died of a stroke suddenly nearly 9 months ago. It helps to know that others have felt the same and this is normal. I am told that you never get over a bereavement but over time learn to manage it - I hope that comes soon for both of us.


Hello flowergarden I’m sorry you too are having a terrible day I too are at home alone and absolutely hate it and I’m trying so hard to get myself motivated my Bereavement councillor told me I’d never get over the loss of my husband but eventually would learn to manage it like you I hope that day comes soon for us thank you for your reply and take care


I know that feeling. I couldnt stay in the house today. I took myself to a local garden centre something we both enjoyed doing on a Sunday. I still come back to an empty house though.


Hello Paeony
I love garden centres - they are like an oasis of colour and when I went with my late partner he would push the trolley while I made those ‘essential’ purchases and he would laugh when I dithered over a plant and say 'go for it '. Don’t feel the motivation anymore but try - coming back to an empty house is awful and I’m thinking about getting a pet so’s there’s another heartbeat in the house.


Definitely get a pet. I adopted a rescue dog soon after my wife passed. Best thing I ever did she is so affectionate and gets me out and about.


Two cats live here. They both absolutely adored my husband.

One is over 20 years old and definitely grieved. For the last 2 weeks, since the funeral, he has spent so much time cuddling me.

The other one is younger and likes to sleep on the bed with me at nights. He has been confused about what has happened.

They have both helped me. I have to look after them, they are good listeners and I have been having wonderful cuddles x


It wouldn’t be fair for me to have a pet. My hubby and I thought about a dog, but we travelled a lot. I intend to carry on with that. Plus i play bowls and golf, so I’ll just have to learn to live with the empty house.


Jennison1946 I totally understand everything you said. I lost my beloved husband on 15th May last year, and my birthday is just a week afterwards.
I haven’t really found that it’s got any easier being without him. People say time heals, but I don’t agree. I still feel broken, destroyed and empty. I go through the motions of life, but everything is a pretence. Life is nothing but false without him.
I do hope you get through these next few weeks in whatever way you can. I am with you, and all the other heartbroken people on this site.


Hi Wifey1 thank you for your reply it’s very hard isn’t it and no it doesn’t get any easier it’s so hard leaving your old life to start a new by yourself I look forward to the day when I can learn to manage my life by myself but he will always be in my heart and I know we all have a very steep slope we have to climb, it will be a year on Wednesday he passed May1st the actual day was Sunday yesterday was a year since my husband told me he wasn’t feeling well and today is the day he actually passed at 7.15pm if that makes sense, will be thinking of you on May15th I also hope you can get through the next few weeks and keep yourself busy you take great care :heart:


Thinking of you. Sending a big hug x


Sending a big hug to everyone on here take care


I have avoided as much as I can listening to music , we loved music but now it sets me down such a sad path. Saturday I had the tv on and heard part of a song that I had to look up the lyrics as they really connected to my loss and feelings . I went onto Spotify and played the song and fell apart .
It’s from the musical Ghost

With You

It begins “ I picked up your shirts this morning I don’t know why I don’t know why”


Hi wilderness its funny how we relate to songs with meaning, I to avoid putting on the radio because all the songs seem to have a meaning my husband loved music and had the radio on all the time our wedding song was Shania Twain (Looks like we’ve made it ) the words are beautiful it’s been on the radio a couple of times recently and I cried my eyes out another was Stevie Wonder ( I’ve just called to say I love you) :heart:he said that was our song because going to sea he was away and always ringing me up especially Christmas and New year and it’s true what you said it does set you down on a sad path take care


Jennison 1946
Sending you a hug . Lovely music choices :musical_score:


Hi @GEOFF211
I hope you had a better day today…I always find weekends the worst time and evenings…
I enquired about a plaque and bench today overlooking the quay my partner loved sailing I wish I could afford it the council want over 3000 pounds to maintain it…
I decided to get my own plaque done and place it in my wild garden…
I miss him so much we were together 33 years and it’s been 9
Months :frowning: