Bedtime dread

That’s scary for you. The early hours are hard

Oh my goodness YES. I lost my mum on 31.12.24 and the nights are the worst. I become anxious, feel frightened or dread, can’t get off to sleep so like many others scroll through my phone. I’m now listening to the grief programme on Headspace which is helping a little.
I felt alone until I read this.


I’m so sorry to hear about your mom’s passing. It sure is awful!
I just found a podcast that is helping me, Anderson Cooper-All there is. He talks to people about their grief and I just listened ti one episode and it was so heart warming just to hear others experiencing the same thing.

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We are not alone. I joined the group 2 weeks ago and don’t feel that it’s only me with those feelings Fearing and dreading going to bed incase the anxiety takes hold.


Its very hard for me to sleep too… im literally sleeping when im totally exhausted :weary: the laying in bed just thinking… i cant switch off at all


I don’t get to bed until 2.30 earliest. I wouldn’t sleep Your not alone with this sleep issues


Realised I read through all this thread at 4am! Then read through other threads, for hours and ended up back here. Time to put the TV on and fall asleep with it on hopefully. Usually better at sleeping when I should be getting up.


It’s like when the world is awake so it takes the pressure off you being able to sleep

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And so another night !

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Yep here again at 3.45am, grrrrr!

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So sorry, I didn’t see your message

I don’t even get into bed until 2 now

Do I need to choose photos for the funeral?

It’s a personal choice. Family could help choose

To look at during the wake or just talking about them. Do people do a projector running?

We had a slide show at my Brothers funeral during the time of reflection with some of his favourite music playing

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Thank you will start it tomorrow as funeral this Friday.

The funeral director may advise if they can offer it

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Hello Copenhagen, I totally understand how you feel at night time, it can be so long, I lost my only sibling who lived with me, I lost Frank Feb 14th 2023 to Cancer. Its nearly two years but I cannot still accept his death, the house is so quiet, I miss him so much. I am so sorry for your loss it is still so new. Reach out to this group, wonderful people here. Best wishes to you.


Thank you for your post

I do , i understand how you feel, i turn everything off beca im tired then bang the flashbacks come, i just cant forget, dont think i ever will, over a year later, so my tv goes back on, very long and tiring nights, BUT ive found reading books helps , takes your mind away from everything for a while, so try it. We’re all here for you, hang in there, it will get better, i know it will xx̌x