Being on my own

Hi thanks for listening .They dont understand i know that they are too busy thinking about themselves Glad of all your support xxx


Hi Debs thanks i know you have the same thankless kids why would they leave you when you are grieving no empathy xxx


Well you know what loneley we have done enough for them .The bank of mum is now permanently closed .I wonder if their kids will look after them probley not .I was going to go out today to buy shoes but raining .In our area we have a bus i think its called tees link and you get the app on your phone they pick you up and take you home free .Age uk told me about it love Hope xx


Ye thats what my oh did .one of them tore it up and said ive lost all respect for dad .I thought well you never had any respect for him to start with .what planet are they on cos its not the one im on xxx


Oh thats brill i didnt realize it was just an hour but its still good the money you save on the taxi spend on yourself .A lady came to see me from age uk and told me whats on offer in our area meet ups for coffee be friending and even lifts to hospital appointment .There number is 08006781602. Advice line .Im thinking of doing something like getting botox done or my teeth fixed in turkey Ive really aged over the last 2 years .No.wonder what we have been thru .my OH would say you go for it darling I miss him dreadfully and always will.we lived for each other love Hope5xx


Know what you mean not as isolated as you are but there isnt a great deal of choice here .And when you dont drive its harder .im in north yorkshire and we were always going out somwhere .He took me to Whitby on our 1st date and we had fish and chips ,we went bk every year since on our anniversary .Dont think il go bk again now too sad on my own without him .take care xxx


Thank you!!:blush:


Hi lonely nice memories eh we loved Whitby.we certainly had lots of little breaks here and abroad .Which im pleased about .we always think we have all the time in the world .But i realize now im older how fast my life has gone by .And its never going be the same again without them .But he loved life .icertainly dont right now but he wouldnt want me to be like this for the rest of my life .But its so hard on your own .Did you get to see your grandaughter funnily enough altho ugh .my daughter can be real selfish my grankids arnt .Just must be that generation take care love hope5 xxx


Sending you big hugs .i lost my husband 6 weeks ago .i hate being on my own .i hate the loneliness. I dont want to do anything .miss him terribly .keep hoping its a nightmare and i will wake up and find him here. X


This time don’t be available don’t be in .Tell them you have some appointment
I believe they have to realise how they are behaving.I have a daughter from my first marriage (disaster) so I know how upsetting everything can be.When I am asked about one thing and another I just say I have no family but that’s how I really feel.
Sending support and lots of hugs


Excuse me?


What the hell!! :pray:t3:

1 Like

Thats awful to hear


You deserve better xxx


Sorry what did you mean excuse me

Good for you


Mine passed in his sleep on August 23. Hugs to you also. I’m new to Sue Ryder and don’t know much about replying and commenting so forgive me if I repeat myself!



My husband died on August 24, one day before our wedding anniversary

Hugs to you :hugs::hugs: