Being on my own

Sue told me towards the end get our trike and bike sorted and sod the cost .you,ve put your life on hold for me now its time to do something for yourself and i will be watching and supporting you in ways that you will never understand.just remember that i am always here for you as you are for me. Go and carry on making me proud like you have always done xx


Aw thats so sweet of her to say that to you :slight_smile: bless her … i went to get my husbands football shirt framed yesterday with my daughter ! Big deal for me thst was ti do … costing quite a bit to have it done professionally but i don’t care - what’s money after what we been through xx


Definitely deb5 .one our friends is going paint sues name and date of birth and baby blue on the trike when its been cleaned up .so a fitting tribute to sue x


Aw … that’s really nice xxx


Oh I do love the hugs. Something about a hug makes it better for the moment :disappointed:


That isn’t very nice of your son at all


Mmm … cant u just go for a coffee and a bun somewhere just to get you out of house ? Wont cost too much then ? Xxx


Oh i get u though now - theyre going for a meal ? Mmm … tell him its his turn to pay !! Lol xx


Hi loneley .i know that feeling well i only have one daughter she lives in ireland .when my partner died 7 weeks ago i was so so loneley still am i asked in the future can i get a granny flat built on your land .They have loads of land .Said id pay .oh no that wouldnt work .A couple of days later i said how about i buy a second hand static caravan and put it on your land that way i could come for longer periods to see my grand children .was told it wouldnt be practical .my friend said ask em if a tent would be possible lol.So ive given up on that realize im on my own .No invites on holidays so know how you feel loneley
.I carnt beleve they dont do your gardening for you .Spend your money on yourself and enjoy it live hope xx


Dear@lonely. What an awful shower makes me relieved i don’t have any children…cruel of them to behave this way when your grief is still i. Its early stages…be strong and live. Travel, purchase what you want for you. People often cvhange when its too late and sorry for the way they behaved…live for you anx your memories of your husband sending :people_hugging::people_hugging::people_hugging:


@Hope5 that is mean. I understand our children have their own lives but at this awful time it would be nice if they supported us. I have a daughter & a step daughter and they try but sometimes I sense I’m a bit much! I wish they understood how awful it is and just now we just need to lean on them a bit more. They haven’t walked in our shoes so they have no idea. Sending hugs


Theyre so mean ! Honest to god i would like to whack these kids ! Mine are as bad ! They are so awful arent they ! After all we did for them as children xxx


Aw … that’s a shame but id still do it … now and again just to get out and about … dont you drive ? Shame … i love driving and glad i can - took my test at 18 though - harder when youre older :frowning: I hope you get to see your granddaughter xx


@Lonely have you got a post office or a bus service near you? My heart aches for you being that isolated. I live in a village but we have a bus service and a post office thankfully, where you can draw money out. Hugs to you x


You really have heartless children. I am also on my own but I am much younger (62) and we have buses close by (5 minutes walk) and a railway station (20 minutes walk). We also have dentists and several different shops and one post office not far from us including our useless surgery but it is not a really nice pictures area. Rubbish everywhere and from a certain time I am not going out anymore. Do you have maybe neighbours or other friends and family who can help you? I personally would not contact your children at all because you only get a stupid answer and get upset, something you really do not need at the moment and I would leave everything to a charity. I am glad for you that you do not need an operation and hopefully, you are getting better soon. Sending lots of love and hugs.

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@Lonely have you ever thought of going on a cruise which have a lot of solo travellers. You also get to sit with other people at meal times.


So sorry to hear this. I took sue to most of her appointments.if i wasn’t well enough to drive then sues son dave took us both. He’s been a complete godsend especially when I was recovering from a right below knee amputation in 2019.even now he comes over 3 times a week to take me shopping and if i need him to come over more he will help.just so sorry that your children won’t help you x


Oh lonely im so sorry you and i and lots of lovely people have thankless self centred kids .You are a lovely lady who has helped all of us on here and were so missed when you stopped posting .i know how you feel i only have one good friend who i can rely on and dont get to see her much shes a busy lady .You dont deserve to be treat like this by your 2 sons .My oh if you read my posts cut his 2 kids out of his will when he needed them they werent there shame on them .If you want to talk come on here or private message me anytime if i lived nearer to you id go on holiday with you .And im pretty sure lots of others feel the same on here big hugs dear loneley .love hope 5 xxx


Big hugs lonely. My daughter stepson dave and family are really supportive but sometimes i feel so out of it especially when friends invite me to go for a drink or a meal.i cant believe how badly your sons are treating you x


Thanks for your support and ye im gonna treat myself when i want look after me for a change xxx