
Hi Trevor

that was lovely how you moved so far away to be with your wife
thats trouble when you are so isolated from everyone phone calls are good but not like seeing people be able to go for a coffe with some one and a chat
i am sure if you fall ill you step daughter will be there for you as you seem so close isnt there any social clubs you can join so you can at least other people to talk to
i go out everyday with my dog and go on dog walks so get to socialise twice a month it was hard to start up again after my husband passed but pushed myself to do it which i was glad i did

take care

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Hi Jacki
so sorry for your and in such tragic surcomstances theres no words to make you feel better after what happened all i can say is take one day at a time with baby steps try and get some help so you can talk to some one about all whats happened

take care and look after yourself keep posting on here as you will get a lot of support from everyone



Hi Trev, yes itā€™s hopeless being on our own. As I have mentioned before, I do have a family who try to get down on a weekend but not every weekend. I Talk to friends on the phone but I donā€™t like putting on anyone. Itā€™s early days yet with Alf only being gone a couple of months but I do need to get my life sorted. I donā€™t want to be a hermit but I donā€™t feel Iā€™m ready yet. Itā€™s a mess.


Hi Kathy
i feel the same its been just over 2 months for me now but have started to go on my dog walks i went on before because i know my husband would wany me to still go

take care


Oh my goodness Jacki. I am so very sorry for you. There is so much for you to deal with there, the tragic death of your husband, then your sonā€™s disclosure. I hope you have someone to help you deal with all this. My heart breaks for you


Hi Jacki that is so shattering, you must be dealing and processing so much and your son must be as well please reach out and talk to people or communicate with people on here, take care x


Hi Kathy

It is still early days for me, 5 weeks the loneliness is setting in. Like you I donā€™t want to be a burden on others. In my whole life l have always been independent. Doing things myself and not relying or burdening others. I suppose that l have always been a bit of a loner. I have always found it awkward meeting new people. I am not a big conversationist. I have never had what you would call close friends. I have to rely only on my step daughter for visits. Nobody else.
I will have to go back to work soon not only for my bank balance but also for my sanity. But at the moment my head is not in the zone. Like you l donā€™t want to be a hermit but l will need to get my life sorted.

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Hi Jacki

just wondering how you are and if you mansged to get anyone to talk to that could help you in such a sad situation

take care


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I think we are very similar in a number of respects. I lost my wife June seven weeks ago tomorrow. We didnā€™t have family during our 43 year marriage which unfortunately June suffered a lot of poor health. Juneā€™s passing was totally sudden and unexpected to her known problems. A massive shock as I witnessed the whole thing and had to do cpr to no avail. Iā€™m retired long ago so sit here day after day. Iā€™m very up and down at present. I am very emotional and constantly break down. I avoid going out. Iā€™m on medication and been visited by the Crisis Team at home. I have applied for what help is available. I have friends but they are now contacting me less after the funeral. I have a Brother who occasionally rings. I speak with my elderly Mother every day (92) who has been a God send.
I hope things will be easier over time. I will never forget the events of Juneā€™s passing and relive them every day.
I hope you feel strong enough to return to work soon as this may be a valuable distraction from your loss at least for part of the day. Take care. Tony