Can’t come to terms with losing my mum

Hi all i lost my mom 2.1/2 years ago. Most of my life with her was tumultuous but we loved each other dearly !! I still think about her and talk to her every day. You have not long lost your mom and what you’re feeling is totally normal (though you feel anything but normal). You feel lost and lonely and only she can fill the void. Work was my saviour in all honesty not family. You never forget your parents you just live with the loss.


It’s still too raw for you to even begin to comprehend, I am 14 weeks this evening (8.25pm) be gentle on yourself, I think I am better at giving advice than taking it because even though I know there was nothing I could do I keep searching the “what if’s” I am going through an angry stage just now, why does nobody care, people have backed away, even my closest friends but perhaps they are just trying to give me space??! I’m in a complete funk that I can’t see a way out of anymore, my mum was my best friend and I miss her more with every waking moment xx


I’m 15 and a half weeks into this nightmare and I feel similar to you, really angry and absolutely nobody else seems to give a toss. I’m not sure I agree that they’re giving me space, I think they just don’t care and can’t relate, so they don’t bother at all.

I feel your pain, I miss everything about my mum too, nothing can come close to the bond we shared. I have had a very bad day today and it’s days like this that I wonder how I’ve got through the past 15 weeks.

I have been blaming myself for everything today and have been longing to go back and have a second chance. I would do everything differently if I could.

Sorry I haven’t been any help, but I wanted to let you know I’m thinking of you and you’re not alone x


Hi all. Just checking in with everyone really. I’m now four weeks in and five days away from the funeral.

I’ve not been able to sleep since Mum went into hospital in May. I keep feeling dizzy. My skin itches and my body aches.

I keep feeling like I just want to run away.


@Bigsister1 its still very early days for you. I remember how I felt around that time. I remember feeling like the only way I could possibly ease the pain would be to run away from it all.
It’s now about 3 months since I lost my mum and I still think about her and miss her every day.
I have had a really rough few weeks. Ended up with an ear infection and high blood pressure. Just because I was making myself ill through being so stressed and angry all the time.
I think that made me turn a bit of a corner though. I’ve got my head together a little bit and the pain has eased slightly.
The funeral will be a tough day for you but somehow you will find the strength to get through it.
Just be kind to yourself. That’s all you can do. And take each day at a time xx

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Checking in, not felt able to do this for a few weeks guys, but I’ve had my best week yet. No tears… 16 weeks yesterday and I’ve managed a week with no tears, that’s massive for me. Not quite at the point yet where I can reflect on the good times but the hard isn’t hitting quite so hard for now, bearable not unbearable this week. Love and strength to you all!