
I am hoping some other people will see this ,and see if their loved ones have had the same reactions . To see if some of the pieces fit together. Anyway take care of yourself ,make sure you rest and eat well. My husband 75 th Birthday tomorrow not the same without Chris .

There’s so many possible variables.
And cancer diagnosis isn’t definitive like you would think.
Before this I always assumed they could tell you either have cancer or you don’t.
Realized quickly it’s not - CT scans not that detailed and can miss tumours. MRI scans more accurate but also don’t give full detail or severity.
PET scans most accurate, but also not definitive as the fdg uptake shows areas of high metabolic activity, but this isn’t necessarily cancer and you have to know you’re expecting it to be cancer to make diagnosis. It’s more often a comparative to previous scans to see if there’s been changes and find tumour that needs to be biopsied.

Take care too and try enjoy birthday as much as possible, even though it won’t be same

Sorry to hear Nori😞
Also extremely young to have that stage of cancer.
I really don’t have any advice I can give - end of life process is brutal - there’s just no gift wrapping it.
I had really hoped, at the end and when the pain severity reached it’s climax, she would just not wake up one morning. But it was not to be.

I wish you all the strength you need and hope he just passes in the night peacefully🙏


Nora all my thoughts are with you,I know it’s hard but try to be strong for your husband and your boys. There is nothing I can say ,but cancer is a terrible illness.Take all the help that is offered to you. Lots of hugs and kisses to you and your boys

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@Pest @MemoriesOfUs I have been reading your posts and would like to say that I am very sorry for your loss. @Nori I am sorry that you are going through this. So very sad.
I lost my husband suddenly and unexpectedly 8 months ago. He was 53 years old. I went to work on the Saturday and Sunday my son ran me to say that dad had collapsed. Time I got home he was gone. I did CPR until the paramedics arrived. The post mortem report said that he had died of a massive rear saddle pulmonary embolism and kidney cancer which was in both kidneys. One tumor 12cm and the other tumor 4cm. We had no idea that my husband had cancer. He was working till the day before. I did get him down the doctor’s 3 weeks before but to late. He was sleeping more and had lost weight. I didn’t notice his weight loss which I feel so guilty about. He had a bad back but always did as was a joiner carpenter. 20 months previously my husband had his first COVID vaccine and 2 days later he passed out and fell 3 meters at work when he was working on a stair case. He smashed his elbow to pieces. I think this mask my husband symptoms. I never got any answers so don’t know if the fall cause the kidney cancer or if it came after. I was told that the cancer must of been aggressive as become ill quickly. I do wonder if he didn’t have the blood clot would he still be here, would he have been cured or how would he have left. So many unanswered questions. Big hugs to you all xx


@Nori thank you for your reply…my husband had a night sweat 6 weeks before he died then a few in the last 2 weeks. The first one he thought he was going through the male menopause. Then the last few thought he had a infection. Just so terrible this life. So unfair and cruel. Just wish I could of saved him. Take care and big hugs xx

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No rhyme or reason and just unanswered questions what ifs.
I took her to India to have a specialized treatment on her liver (tare) in March and had everything riding on it. It was my pathway to a liver transplant.
When we got there, the pet scan showed the metastasis had consumed 80% of her liver and treatment was no longer possible.
I’ve agonized over if I’d just got the scans a bit quicker, just got there a bit sooner she’d still be here.
Day late and a dollar short - how it was all the way through. Just couldn’t get in front of it.

Our crosses to bear - where their pain ends, ours continues and magnifies


Read a meme other day that summed it up


Yeah the algorithms are scarily efficient - I’ll be expecting 100’s more of these in coming weeks

Hang tough Nori😞 wish I had more to say to make it easier - there just isn’t😞

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My sons went from bone to bone marrow, all his blood counts went mad. He had bruises all over his body .even his fingers were purple . They tried blood transfusions with a line blood just started leaking out . I started thinking to myself ,his name is Christopher he starting to look like Jesus on the cross. Bless him we loved him so much and still do


@Pest :disappointed::disappointed: so sorry

Pancreatic cancer,Gastric are silent killers too. Pancreatic they can’t see because it is hidden behind stomach But these are rare spread to bones like my sons . MRI ,pet scans blood test at the start showed his liver ,kidneys lungs were ok . They did think Gastric or pancreatic could be to blame but all they found was a little tiny stomach ulcer . Could not find primary. Also prostrate ok

Had to go to the Mencap office today as my son was with them in shelter housing , to work out if he was owned anything for rent or did he owned then .
They said they were in a cafe where he went , and the cafe owner asked were he was as they had not seen him for a long time. They were all so upset, bloody cancer he never smoked ,drunk, or eat a lot of red meat . Why him??

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The severity of his cancer was abnormal, esp being CUP
Wasn’t a lifestyle thing or anything anyone could have changed.
My partner was the same - fit and healthy.
No rhyme or reason to it

As Nori says life just has a cruel sense of humour😞

It is good news about MRI scans for prostrate cancer. My concern is there is only so many hospitals that have MRI scanners . Sometimes it is hard enough to get appts for them.whereas blood test can be done at any Hospital and GP surgery’s . It is not only getting the scanners it is getting staff to operate them.

Came across this web site. Pancreatic cancer won’t wait.
It is a Group trying to Campaign for earlier test and treatment for pancreatic cancer a most deadly cancer. They are finding the delay in treatment is far too long.

My husband had kidney cancer and they only found out about it because it had spread to his pelvic bone, which had started to give him pain. Luckily, it hadn’t spread anywhere else and he had the kidney removed. He had three courses of radiotherapy over the next eight years on the pelvic bone but in the end it didn’t have any effect and his mobility deteriorated. The cancer then spread to his prostate and other bones.
His oncologist said that the cancer in his kidney had been growing for a number of years. If only we had known before it had spread to his pelvic bone.

In pancreatic cancer they are normally fatal within 3to 4 months

My husband never had the night sweats, he was so active, playing tennis and walking a lot. His diagnosis was a complete shock. As he had hip pain, we thought he probably needed a hip replacement, never thought there was a tumour let alone kidney cancer, the primary. I remember vividly when the consultant told us, I actually told him that he must have got it wrong!
Like you said it is treatable if found early enough. A friend’s husband had it and was diagnosed because he had ‘water’ problems, apparently not related to the kidney. The tests that followed found the kidney cancer. Luckily, the cancer hadn’t spread and he had keyhole surgery to remove the tumour and not the whole kidney. It hadn’t spread to his bones.
I am so sorry for what you are going through.

@Rome18 my husband died suddenly and unexpectedly at 53 years old. He had undiagnosed kidney cancer which was in both kidneys. I do wonder if with treatment that he still be here now and would of been a cure. Having no answers is so hard x