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Does poulshrimp make sense

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Goodness, I remember Aqua Manda! It smelled like a Terry’s chocolate orange! My sister loved it. My other sister used to wear one called Manhattan. My mum always wore Tweed.
How old we must be!


Yes Ron. Whilst it sounds as if you have been drinking the swamp water. Poulshrimp is also known as “Birthday Wishes”. A deep pink rose.
And very nice it is, too.

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Phew got there in the end,appropriate but a bit I guess,I don’t know if the guy was conning me but he said the begonia constantly flowers💁🏻‍♂️

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It should flower until the first frost.

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I bet Ron wears Brut 33?
Or Old Spice?

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Sadly not JPG only,Lesley loved it,she wore Euphoria.

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It is strange how scents are so evocative. I walk past someone wearing a fragrance I know, or even the smell of some foods and it takes me right back in time.
When Jeremy was in a coma I used to spray his pillow with my perfume in the hope he could smell it and know that I was close.
Oh, bugger. I have made my eyes leak now!


I don’t wear any perfume now; got a good friend with asthma, and it can set her off, so I just stopped wearing it.


You are a good friend.


Well I don’t want to put the poor woman in hospital!

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Is it just me, or does everyone else wonder what we all look like?

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I don’t even know how you put photos on here.

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I dread to think,you made me take a moment.

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At the bottom right of your reply two boxes the first one accesses your library just click on the one you want and press add.

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I think it’s nice not knowing, Don’t want my illusions of Ron sitting on a toadstool in his sparkly budgie smudgers to be shattered!

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My wife, (girlfriend as then) stopped wearing perfume after she was pregnant with our eldest, became very sensitive smell wise, previously liked Poison, saved me a fortune over the years…

Later developed an allergy to garlic and would feel sick and bloated going past a strong smelling Italian restaurant…

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This is me.


I will have you know people have paid good money to see that.


Oh my word Willow! What have you started!?! :grinning: