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Thank you Hazel xx

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Be honest, Ron. It is the Chipmunks that will be a boy down!

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Go and have a great time,you can tell us all about it and make us jealous.

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I think the last time I went out I paid with Groats.

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You aren’t a wimp… just out of practice. You may enjoy the experience. Just try to stay in the moment. Good luck.

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Thank you.

I liquidised his cat food twice today.

He liked the first one but was not impressed with the second.

He has to have medicine in his food twice a day, so I use a fork to mash it up a bit.

Rose xx


Was that when you first started using eau de cow pat perfume?

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Thank you.
What has everyone been doing today?
I was going to clean conservatory gutters but it was too cold.
So I did some sewing and grappled with the computer. Found a programme called “Word” and typed a letter to the bank. I even saved and printed it. Mind you, I doubt I will ever find it again. I just remember that is what you are supposed to do!
Sweet and sour chicken and rice for dinner.
The end. Not exactly mind blowingly exciting, but it filled the day.


I will have you know that I have used Youth Dew since I was 16, which was two years ago.


You would be impressed,I planted a new rose bush,a begonia,and two others I have no idea what,they just looked pretty,and ham and eggs for dinner.


I love the smell of youth dew on other women but on me it smells like I have been sprayed by a Tom cat


Don’t you know the name of the rose, Ron?
I just love roses.

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Oh Rose, so sorry. Lots of hugs. Pets are part of the family. xxx


Cow pat and Tom cat,does Chanel know about this.


Just done an online reading. Tesco cauliflower cheese ready meal for dinner, which was way better than when I tried to make it. Chocolate for afters.

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Just been to look floribunda if that makes sense.

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Thank you,

Yes they are family xx

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lol! Really? I know it smells different on people, but I thought it always smelled nice. Maybe it smells like a cow pat on me, like Ron suggests!

It is funny, the first time I bought it was the day after I passed my driving test, when I was 17. It cost exactly the same as a driving lesson, £3.
When my husband died I thought I had better have a couple of refresher driving lessons. They cost exactly the same as a bottle of Youth Dew now, £35!
How funny.


Floribunda just means ‘many-flowered’ Ron, you will get a few buds on each stem. As opposed to a hybrid tea rose which has one bloom per stem. It isn’t a rose name.
Go and have another look. There should be a name as well.

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I wore it when I was younger, too; and Aqua Manda. Ah, those were the days…

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