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Night night Jane. Hope you get on well at the doctors.


You obviously weren’t listening. Too busy trying to get through my door. I had to shout really loud through the letterbox, ladies!


Sorry you will have to repeat I didn’t hear that.


Hmmm Willow, where did you get those polo neck knickers from. I quite fancy those myself.
Flo x


I was trying to avoid the postman trapXxx

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Damart.Polo Neck Knickers.
I had a bit of a fright then. Someone said about Jane going to the doctor. I had to go and look at my calendar!

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Are you all on the Damart Site, buying knickers?

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Me too just curiosity reallyXx

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Pervert! I knitted them myself really.
Just didn’t want to sound like a cheapskate.

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Right ladies Jane is taking order my request is already in.

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Knitted knickers 1 pair. Pockets?
Tropical issue pjs, (don’t want to frighten the horses)
Anything else?

Just gin,red wine and go on then fosters.

Did you get your IPad sorted?

I did thank you it did take ages though, thanks for the advice.

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I think Gin tastes a bit like perfume. And red wine gives me headache.
I can drink Bacardi until the cows come home, and Waitrose didn’t have any Fosters, so I am drinking Bud Light tonight.


My advice is always the same.
Turn it off, wait 5 minutes and try again.
Kids, men, computers. All the same.
If they still play up, thump them.

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Willow :rofl::rofl: love that


Hi rayjay
My Sam was the same.
As a police officer I knew he absolutely would
Have sworn like a trooper.
He never ever swore at home.
We have been out many times drinks meals etc
and he would intervene when the blokes
in his earshot swore.
Nobody argued.
Doreen xxxxx

Red wine for me please. Loads of it.


My dad used to tell people off if they swore in front of my mum and me and my sisters.
Neither of my husbands swore.
I swear enough for all of them. :face_with_hand_over_mouth: