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Has anyone talked to Jo today?

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No not heard from her,hope she’s ok.

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I messaged her. No reply.

How about a liberty bodice and a siren suit
Maybe some garters
Doreen x

We (my sisters and I) had to wear liberty bodices in the winter, and a vest! And if the rubber knobs on the suspenders came off in the wash, we had to use tanners instead to hold up thick ribbed black stockings!


Oh, the liberty bodice! I loved mine.

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No central heating, an open fire that scorched your legs until they looked like corned beef, but your back was freezing!


Shhh, Ron will get all unnecessary.


Does anyone know why it was called a liberty bodice?

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It’s the talk of the vest that will do it.


Oh happy memories, when I was young and stupid going out and girls whispering have you got a sixpence then disappeared to the loo, took me ages to find out.


You silly old sod, Ron. They just wanted you for your money!

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I still don’t have any central heating!

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Yeah always been a sucker for a lady in distress.

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I didn’t have central heating until I got married. Blankets and coats on the bed, ice on the inside of the windows.
I should have been born somewhere warmer.

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I am distressed Ron. Inflation being what it is, I need more than sixpence.

Yes, and my mum would line the bottom of the windows with newspaper to catch the water when the ice melted. And draw the fire with a newspaper stretched across it. Elf’n’Safety didn’t exist then.

Oh yes! The newspaper used to get scorched. My mum used to get up early to get the fire going before she woke us.


Oh I’m glad my youth was normal. I was talking about liberty bodices in the pub on Tuesday and everyone thought I’d had too much to drink :rofl::rofl::rofl:

And beds piled with coats and ice inside the windows.

Oh how we lived !! :ok_woman:

I’ve run out of likes again. Does anyone else have that problem?

I’m off to bed now
Goodnight everyone

Love and hugs
Liz x x

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Night Liz. Sleep well, keep your liberty bodice on.