Chat and support

Well, you’ll be able to fit into a sparkly liberty bodice, then!

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Night Liz. xx

Liz you’re off early tonight. Hope you’re ok and have a good sleep dear friend. xx
Rose /Linda , I came on here tonight and read your post about leaving and I felt sad. I don’t want you to go.
I’m in a bad way too. I don’t know how to carry on from one day to the next I loved my darling man with all my heart and we spent every second possible together. I miss him like crazy. Cant bear to part with anything of his and I tell him I love him all day long.
I’m scared to be honest. Really frightened that I can’t seem to do anything if I’m in my own. If I go out or meet up with someone I’m ok but as soon as I’m on my own at home then the worry sets in. I don’t seem to be able to concentrate on anything more than a few seconds. Given up reading and now not really interested in the TV. This group makes me feel part of something.
All of us knowing how awful it is. You’re not bringing anyone down. We’re already there. What you and the others do I to make sure we’re hanging on to someone.
Please don’t leave.
We can cope with all the emotions here but we need the laughter too. You’re a lovely lady please stay.
Lucy xx


Just a smaller one now,anyone want a sparkly b cup liberty bodice?


Hi everyone,I have had a lovely time with my grandson and his girlfriend. I made Chicken Fajitas followed by Sticky Toffee Pudding, luckily I still had some pudding in the freezer. He put my new clock up for me. I was down in the dumps this morning but feel so much better now.


Linda I am delighted you are staying xx
Jane 2

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Glad you had a good time with your grandson and girlfriend. Being with family or friends can give us a boost.
Your meal sounds delicious… I love sticky toffee pudding.
Linda hope Tony is comfortable tonight.
Ron good to hear Jane’s had her op. Send her my love.
Sorry not liberty bodice required here, I’m well into my thermals.
Love Lucy x


I was nice to cook for them, it is only the second time I have cooked a meal in the 13 weeks since Ray died.

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Reading what you have written, I know you understand.

You have described what so many of us, myself included, have and are experiencing.

I am not quoting exactly word for word but someone on here wrote being on here made them feel ‘normal’, a part of something again.

I can totally understand and agree with that.
This unwanted and unwelcome world we now inhabit is one we share with each other.

I will be staying, sharing my thoughts, observations, love and hugs.

I hope I will also bring the occasional smile and giggle.

I also want to continue with the Sunday candles. I will make every effort to light them tomorrow but I hope you understand if circumstances take over and I cannot.

I am afraid I will be sharing sadness.

I have no idea when the inevitable will come to my darling boy, Tony but I hope you will allow me and forgive me for sharing it with you.

There are some significant dates coming later on in the year.

You have been warned.

I have received such support here.

Thank you.

Take care everyone.

As always, sending big hugs and much love.

Linda xx


I can relate. I spent every evening last night working on replacing my kitchen blind. I finally finished it last night. Today I was thinking I can’t wait to tell Drew (my late husband) about it and he’ll be so proud. Then reality hit & I realised he’s not here anymore. :frowning:

But I am glad for this group. A friend was trying to be nice and said I am doing things. Or something like that as I can’t remember exactly. I felt like saying yes that may be true but it still doesn’t matter because he’s not here to share them with. And I am still all alone in this house we made a home…

Thanks all.



Glad that went well. I must admit my partner did all the cooking. I need to start to cook properly as eating ryvia amd cucumber is getting boring. She use to batch cook lots of spicy foods and stews. I need to try. I do like reading everything on here. It does lift you when you feel down does give you things to think about. Have reflected on alot lately. After speaking to the chaplin yesterday did fill me with hope. Someone on here forgive me cant think who it was who has sadly lost 2 husbands I cant imagine how that feels.
Dont know why I am thinking about that. Strange isnt it you dont really think you will get to a certain age. Dont think you will lose anyone… dont think it will happen to you… I know I am waffling sorry. Its like waves isnt it. One minute ok next not… going to the breavment group in nov. As had work in oct. Didnt know what to do… will go and really try to connect… as know talking and sharing is part of healing but never acceptance. Losing someone at any age is devastating even though we know it will come to us all. Still a shock take care all x


Good night everyone.

Hope you get some sleep.

Thank you,

Linda xx


Around this time of night I would be indulging In some risque banter with Jane Ably assisted by Linda and some others, get well soon we miss your humour.

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Good night Linda much love to you and Tony.
Sleep well talk tomorrow.
Love Ron xxx

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Yes Ron it’s a bit quiet without you and your double entendres (remember Dick Emery …….ooh you are awful…but I like you) :blush:.
Linda we are here to support you keeping quiet company with Tony. Sleep well.
Night night all. Thanks for being there on this journey xx


Good night everyone, hope you all have a peaceful night. Linda will be thinking of you and Tony. Chat tomorrow xx

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