Chat and support

Hi Doreen.
Sorry you are sat in my grief trench,I too found myself recalling memories past,it really does punch you in the stomach,they say if talking to yourself is the first sign of madness,I must be ready for a straight jacket,take care love and be kind to yourself.
Love and hugs to you and doggy.


Right, I am here, ready with my jet washer, no yellow jumpsuit though.
I have offended just about everyone today. The bank forwarded closing balance of my husband’s ISA to my solicitor for some obscure reason. The solicitor paid a lower amount into my account. I queried it, they apologised and sent the difference. I opened an APS ISA with exact amount, as instructed. Then I received closing balance notice of original ISA which was different again. Suspecting the solicitor had got it wrong again, I lit a fire under them. Then I decided to ring the bank myself. It turns out that after telling me the balance, they went and deducted his credit card amount owing - without telling me.
So, I had upset the solicitor for no reason. I was furious and the bank put me through to an officious twat who started the conversation with “I am the Banker here, not you”. I told him to learn to spell……replace the B with a W.
I am not popular with my bank or my solicitor anymore.


Thank you Ron ,
We are off out now for our walk.
Thank god for my little lavender.
She never gives up and sits right in front off me
until I get up then goes barmy when I get her
It will be food as soon as we get back for her.
My food !!! that’s a different matter.
Done quick and easy and no nutrition.Yum
Love and comfort Doreen x

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Too late he’s already been with his posts of joy,the banks and solicitors will be doing a Farage on you and excommunicating you,as long as all went well.


I have found just a swift apology and explanation to the solicitor will sort that out. Some banks are a law unto themselves. Glad no jumpsuit though.


Glad you are back and no yellow jumpsuit, sorry you have been given the run around. When Ray died there was an outstanding sum on his credit card, the money was there to pay it but everything was sent to the bereavement team and they notified me there was nothing to pay. I like the change a B to


If you don’t want to invest in a jet washer, those police stinger things might deter the pesky postman.
Sorry he put nasty things through your letter box.
Oooh! Just had a thought………lie in wait for the fingers of doom to appear through the letter box and have your hot iron ready.
I don’t iron anything, I just put the wet washing in the tumble drier for five minutes, then give it a good shake. The creases fall out.
I am just a natural scutty kind of gal.


If I had just charged someone £320 per hour I would gladly take the odd insult on the chin.

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My postman delivered a brown envelope from DVLA for me to renew driving licence. Haven’t driven for years but renew as otherwise I have no photo id. They don’t accept bus pass or blue badge and I dont have a passport anymore. Dint think a library card works either.

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I once had a wisso just like you,but he was great fun got me into so many scrapes.


Your solicitor is expensive. Mine is in the £200 range. I must admit when I was on IT support. I took a few insults. Would not tolerate someone swearing at me though. Put the phone down on them and management supported me. I was after all trying to help but understood the frustration.

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Oh my :face_with_peeking_eye: :face_with_peeking_eye: I am getting worried now :wink:


I just corrected how he spelt his job title.
I was wearing my best frock the first time I met the solicitor, should have worn a yellow jumpsuit and got the sympathy rate.


Your wit and quick thinking Jane is a credit to you, and all the difficulties youvface how do you manage to stay so up beat. Xxx


I just think of Ron and I can’t help laughing. Xx


Oh an object of ridicule am I now,ime gonna take the hump.


A hump will be visible in the swamp


Depends on the size of the hump Rose.


Sympathy and solicitor really is an oxymoron. Or maybe ignore the oxy in this case.


What’s ‘ironing’??