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I was a pretty good slipper in my day.

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You obviously need some dinner guests to complete the scene lol
I would go stir crazy if I didn’t work, I can’t stay in for long. I am further on than the rest of you and at a stage where I need to forge a new life made up of new adventures and new memories as I can’t forever live in the past. I am fortunate I have a good social network. I love dinner parties, perhaps you can do a come dine with me and invite us all, go easy on the dumplings for me lol


And now my little Hobgoblin is due home. So I will have to bid you all a fond farewell.
Chat later.


I can do that no problem,wouldnt it be lovely to have a game of rounders or frisbies around Willows table. Although after my fall on Sunday maybe I am not the best at catching. Hugs Jo xxx


Absolutely, grieving can be very depressing so light relief is needed and actually lifts the mood.
I always pop in when I can :slightly_smiling_face:


I have a date with Arsenal football club tonight, Champions League game so will be glued to the TV, gin & tonic in one hand and chocolate in the other and my new man friend to hold the remote control :joy: I’m cooking Salmon, new potatoes, fresh veg and strawberry cheesecake for after


I am with you on that one
Doreen xx

Good luck to you @LynT

Im so glad you’re moving on with your life.
Enjoy your evening

X x

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Hi Jo,
I must have missed that post.
You had a fall?
How did you manage that hope it’s not serious
Love n hugs Doreen x

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Thank you lovely, at some point we sadly have to let them go and find ourselves and our new life and let them rest in our heart and soul :cry: xx


I have a tiara xx

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You too.
What is it with falling on a Sunday?
Hope you are recovering xx


Hi Jo

Are you ok?
I didn’t know you’d had a fall

Love Liz x x


Hello my friend
I had no idea about the timing of the passing of your lovely wife.
I know exactly now how the weekend affects you.As you probably know I was told for the
first time on the Friday my husband was dying
I just couldn’t believe it that he wasn’t going
To make it, he died on the Saturday at
I am so sorry and value your support even more
when you offer me your hand and strength at this desperate time for yourself.
Comfort and love
Doreen. X

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I have my own theory bout all these falls at the weekend. You were all with Ron drinking his cheap gin, weren’t you? And you left me out because I made fun of the pina colada I saw oop north, with the squirty cream and tinned pineapple.
You were all drunk, that’s why you all fell over. It was his cheap gin and Vino Collapso.


I’m blaming the cat :cat2:

Cheap gin?

Not with my tiara!!

Rose xx

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My mobility scooter tipped and i hurt my left arm hip leg and banged my head, i am bruised but ok ty Liro. Pride hurt more than anything.
Lol willow one drink abd I would be out for a count only ever drink tea . Xxx


It must be something about weekends. My husband went into hospital on the Saturday. On Sunday I was called to come to the hospital and to ring people who might want to see him. When I got there he was sitting up in bed but the drugs were making him a little confused. It was a bank holiday. When called back again to the hospital on the Tuesday we were told there was nothing they could do. They couldn’t stop the bleeding. He died the following Tuesday. Due to my mobility I couldn’t stay with him. I was reliant on friends getting me to the hospital and to the ward. The following Sunday was the last time I saw him and he was so drugged up he didn’t know I was there. I cannot get rid of that image despite counselling. It creeps up on me even 16 months later and I cry. It was 2 days before his 71st birthday and 6 weeks before our golden wedding anniversary.


Got rid of my mobility scooter. Roads and pavements where they exist too narrow to be safe round here. No safe way into town. People walking in the pavements have been injured where the wing mirrors of passing traffic has hit them, plus hills are a bit steep.


Anytime Doreen,we have to stick together through this,I too value the friendships on this forum,it’s made the rough seas a little more bearable.
Love Ron.