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Oh @Harriet4Bill

I can only imagine the pain you must be feeling.

That’s another first I’ve got to face.

Take care, we’re all with you

Liz x x

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Hi Jo.
Loads of tears when opening cards. Couple of visitors so brave face. I think I’m ok and then some little thing will set me off again. Just miss my Bill soooooh much, as I know how much we are all missing our husbands/partners.
Love and hugs to everyone :heart::people_hugging::people_hugging:


Hi Doreen. Thank you for your wishes.
Yes it’s really difficult. I’ve had a couple of visitors so put on a brave face then loose the plot when they’ve gone.
My stepdaughter, who lives about an hour away, is working (although I did go out with her and her husband last Sunday) and my stepson is away on holiday with his family.
I don’t much care for this life we all find ourselves in. It’s so much harder and more painful than I ever imagined.
Thanks for being there :heart::people_hugging:


Afternoon Harriet. Those tears come from no where. Yes darling I think we would all have our other halves back if it was possible. I know I would do anything to have my life back. Hugs Jo xxx


Thank you for your kind messages. I have only just found this site and it is comforting to talk to others in the same position. I don’t think anyone understands how awful it is unless they have been there


I think we all would like our lives back Jo,sadly that’s not gonna happen,I guess we have to plod on and make the best of it.
Love Ron.


It is a beautiful day. I have just wandered into the garden for some fresh air. I saw a young hare, a pheasant, a robin and a wren within 5 minutes. There was also a pair of squirrels stashing conkers in my lawn, but I don’t like to talk about those pesky little critters.
The autumn crocuses are out in full bloom and they have quadrupled since last year.
There are still things to gladden our hearts if we look hard enough. Of course I wish Jeremy was still here to share them with. But I hope he is still around somewhere. He might have sent them for me, who knows. He wouldn’t have sent the squirrels, he knows they get right up my nose when they dig holes in the lawn.


Thinking of you.

Sending a big hug xx


Yes Ron we sure would hun if that was only possible, but sadly it isn’t, as you say we have to plod on as hard as that is, and hope one day we all find happiness in someway. Hugs Jo xxx


Hiya Willow I have just take Millie for her walk its lovely and bright out there, our winter pansies have just re appeared they look lovely. Just a bit teary as Gra isnt here to see them this year. Hugs Jo xxx


I wish I had my Maisie here to take for a walk sadly she’s now gone,although her idea of a walk was from her comfy bed to her food dish.


Hi Liz.
Sorry your having a dip they can be so painful.
I find it’s the smallest things can trigger a memory,and then down the snake we go, then start up the ladder again,I hope your day gets better.
Ron Xx


Thankyou Ron

I am feeling better this afternoon.
Apart from the headache I’ve given myself from the crying. :woman_facepalming:

I’ve had these dips before. And everytime I get up and think I’m going to be ok.
Then wham back down the rollercoaster.
But I do seem to stay up longer between dips so maybe, just maybe I’m going to stay up longer this time :crossed_fingers:t2::crossed_fingers:t2:

Love and hugs :people_hugging: x x


Yes I know those dips wash you out,I am trying to avoid them as much as possible,
Even getting myself into trouble doing so,but hey ho down the yellow brick road we go,maybe Dorothy’s left her slippers behind.
Love Ron.


Sorry you’re having a bad day Liz. This roller coaster ride leaves a lot to be desired. We should all it Hidden Dips,
Because they come when you least expect them.
PS. Watch out for Ron, he will be here with hummus and taramasalata gags any minute.


He will be the one in the ruby red slippers :shushing_face::wink::wink:


Hi Ron
I wish your masie was there for you also.
Currently my lavender is lolling on our sofa we we will be going out for walky very soon
So glad my little star is here she listens to me all day as I tell her everything.
I know those dips just horrible
Going to put my shades on we will think of you and your girl as we walk.
Hugs Doreen and lavender x


I was thinking of the scarecrow :speak_no_evil:


Oh get at Ron day is it,if you don’t stop I will take my bat and ball home and tell my mummy.


Thankyou everyone for cheering me up.

We can always rely on each other to pick us up.

I hope I don’t have another dip like this for a long time.
Never would be perfect but I’m not stupid enough to think that that will happen

Thanks everyone

Love and big hugs
X x