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Oh dear, ladies. It doesn’t take much to make him have a hissy fit and spit his dummy out, does it? :woman_shrugging:
He’s just miffed because I mentioned hummus before he did!
No more hidden dips, Liz. At least not for a long while.


I find spreading that on my shed floor keeps the rats away,they don’t like it either.
Love Ron.


Glad its not just me x x


I am going off topic here. Do they sell hummus up there?
The last time I was in Deepest Darkest Yorkshire I asked where I could buy some olives. The lady said that she thought they sold olive oil in the chemist for earache.
I am allowed to say these things because I come from Yorkshire originally.
I also saw a Pina Colada with tinned pineapple, squirty cream and a glace cherry on the top.
My family won’t let me in next time I visit…….They already call me a softie southerner.


Stop me if you’ve heard it,an American walks into St Paul’s sees a golden phone asks what it is priest says a phone directly to god it’s £50,000 a call.
He does the same in All the counties down south with the same response.
He walks into York minster sees the golden phone priest says it’s 50p American says why,priest says it’s a local call.


Hi Nala
55 years thats wonderful but should have been more. I was with my partner for 34 years. She past on 19th june. Still cant understand it. It does come in waves doesnt it then it gets you off guard. I am lost no idea where I am going other than taking jack for a walk working again just dont want to be anywhere. Try to stay strong be around nice people.


Well, they do say that Yorkshire is God’s own country, and it is a beautiful country which I miss sorely.
On the other hand, there’s nowt so careful with brass as a Yorkshire man. Maybe they knew that in York Minster, hence the reduced cost.
My mum could cut raisins in half!

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I used to annoy Ray by saying he could peel an orange in his pocket, his mother was miffed because he married a Geordie instead of a good Yorkshire lass.


Nothing wrong with geordies.


I love a Geordie accent.
My dad used to brag that “all his girls” could play cricket for Yorkshire if they wanted to.
As if!


Norman and I were once in a coach trip full of Geordies. As a cockney he couldn’t understand a word. I was translating. My mum whilst born in Scotland was brought up in Newcastle. I was born within the sound of Bow bells so speak both cockney and geordie but have a London accent. In a business meeting once I was translator between a Devonian and someone from Sunderland. I felt it odd they couldn’t understand each other. Love all accents.


Because my daughter has no speech but signs proficiently I tend to speak and sign at the same time. During Covid we went for our vaccinations at a health centre where there many people waiting. As we were leaving a nurse ran after us and said that there were a non-hearing couple of patients and no staff who could sign. Could I help? I said I would try. The trouble was that the couple could not speak English and were using American Sign Language. I was about as much use as a chocolate teapot! We got there in the end, but it was gestures and pulling faces rather than signing.


Hi ron you are quite correct.
Nothing wrong with us geordies.
I am very proud of my roots.
You should see them all out on the toon on a night out wearing hardly any clothes even in the
Lavender decided to roll about in a pile of dog
Poo I wish people would just pick it up.
What a mess to clean up she seemed very happy though.
.Coming home though as I walked through our gates and saw our house and garden I just cracked up.
The knowledge he won’t ever again do that is truly too terrible.Sitting in our garden alone is very upsetting.
I am doing jobs in our garden that he would have done and I forget for a while then BOOM.
I don’t know if you or any one else on here feels
Any suggestions to help me would be great.
Love and hugs to all x


I totally understand.
Last year when my knee became bad Roger said that next year we’d cut down on my part of the gatden, maybe laying more lawn.
I did the flower beds and Roger did the vegetables and any heavy work .

Well so much for cutting down.
I got the lot!

Bless him, if we had only known what was coming…

Love and hugs x x


We sometimes get the odd fox in our garden and Maisie used to love playing with it,the fox would pee and Maisie would cheerfully roll in it
(Another bath) a small amount of my wife’s ashes in a little urn I put in a memorial planter in the garden,I planted all her favourite when it’s nice I sit outside and talk to her I somehow find it relaxing.
Hope you find something too.
Love Ron.


Sorry Liz.
I think everyone knows my ineptness at diy,
I can do a bit of planting and weeding but a man with a van does the rest.


Wherever you go you will meet a Geordie. The first time I took Ray home he couldn’t understand a word that was being said.


Hi fellow Geordie although I am in exile in Scotland lol. My dad was always in his shirt sleeves even when shovelling snow, if he put a coat on everyone else stayed inside.


Try understanding a true cockney when they get going. Even I have problems and I am a cockney.


Hi Liz
I’m really sorry you’re going through a dip!
I’m also going up and down and also torturing myself with giung through similar texts, Nat hing up dates etc.
I don’t know why we torture ourselves like this, but something compels us to keep looking - hopefully the urge will gradually fade, or alternatively we will be able to look back over things and feel less upset and more accepting
Unfortunately no-one except we who are experiencing this will understand. (Or maybe we’re fortunate that we all do)
Sending much love and big hug. X

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