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I have a distant relative, a nephew a thousand times removed, who really is a rocket scientist. He lives in one of the Carolinas and works for NASA.
He is a nice bloke, but I wouldn’t trust him to turn my air fryer on.


Oh my dear alilya
I am so sorry that you are so very low…
We all know how you feel believe me.
It is the hardest thing for any one who loves
To go through.This is what shows us what true love is.
The trouble is we can’t change what has happened and o my god I wish I could I would
Do anything to get my Sam back.
I have even bargained with God!!!
I feel like you and the many many bereaved
People on this marvelous site who step up
and support each other.
I am here for you please don’t forget that
Post me an time love and support Doreen xx


Hi @Dol1

I’m glad it’s not just me.
I’ve begged, I’ve pleaded, I’ve promised the earth and yes I’ve bargained with God

Nothing works

But still I can’t accept that he’s not coming back

Love and hugs
Liz x x


Every morning when I wake up it hits so hard and I just start crying. Does anyone else feel like this every morning?


Hi @Alilye

How far in are you?
I’m 7 months.
It used to get me like that and sometimes it still does
Mostly its just an overwhelming sadness now.

But I still cry every day, somtimes more than others. Sometimes just very wet eyes.

Sending you the biggest hug

Liz x x


Hi Liz. Only five weeks but feels so much longer. :broken_heart:


I’m a year in and still find mornings difficult. I think it’s waking up and the realisation that this is it now. I have to try and get motivated to do things otherwise the day just stretches ahead. Like most of us I find the weekends particularly hard.
Lots of love to everyone in this awful position xx


I’m nearly a year in and still find it very hard it hits me at anytime off the day
We can only hope it will get better xx


Oh @Alilye

That’s no time at all.
Hang in there

I know you won’t believe me but it will get easier to bear
One day you will realise you are coping

Love and hugs
Liz x x


Time moves differently doesn’t it.

It can seem both a short and long time.

It will be 31 weeks tomorrow.

Sometimes I wake up and I am reasonably ok but others ….

Sending a big hug xx


It’s 23 weeks for me tomorrow,I have my 15minutes of reflection in the shower,then I can feel Lesley’s foot on my bum and saying just bloody get on with it,and then I try.
Much love RonXxx


I guess we’re all trying

Roger always said I was :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

X x


Morning Ron
It is 23 weeks for me and my Sam today.
It’s a living hell I dread it.
I wonder if when we talked about our wishes etc
We ever gave this part of our passing a thought?
Did we ever realise the actual impact of it on the other?
Arrangements and the dreaded paperwork get done and sorted out.
This part of it never.
It just feels so hopeless.
By the way we loved Kenny Rodgers About a week after we met Sam played over the phone
to me Your my Lady. Can’t listen to any thing
thing now
I always told him he was my George Clooney
Only better looking .
Thinking of you this weekend, hang on to me .
Love and comfort Doreen x


Morning Doreen.
Thank you I will,it’s amazing just how many songs can give you a twinge,but I guess most are love songs anyway.
Big hugs RonXxx


Morning all its 17 weeks tomorrow for me.
Yes I agree time does pass differently.
Somethings seem like yesterday others seem ages ago.
The one constant pain is the missing them.
Gra was such a brave man and such a fighter for life.
He would despair if he thought I wasnt trying hard in his name and honor I try, but omg do I often feel despair.
Hugs for us all Jo xxx


I feel sorry for people who like country music. They always wake up in the morning and their lover has gorn, the dog usually follows.
Play them backwards, I prefer a happy ending.
You should all have to listen to Katie’s choice. Agadoo is her current favourite, I have a soft spot for Always Look On The Bright Side Of Life.
Oooh! We both enjoy “Ernie”!
Louis Armstrong just came on, Katie kept signing “dog” and waving “bye-bye”. It took a while and a few re-winds before I got it. She thought the lyric “dark sacred night” was “dog say goodnight”!
I do love her.


Aww blesd her Willow as hard as it must be at times, dhe must also bring alot of love and amusement into you world.
I remember agado so well.
Hugs Jo xxx


I’m knackered, Jo. We have just been bopping to Jacky Wilson’s Reet Petite.
She certainly keeps me fit! Who needs the gym.


Hi Willow

I’m afraid I’m one of those sad country fans
You’re right usually a sad ending.
But not always
Modern country’s not so bad

At the moment I cant stop listening to Lady Gaga ‘I’ll Never Love Again’.
It makes me cry but the words are exactly what I’m feeling

Lovr and hugs
Liz x x


Ah memories poodle skirts,drainpipe trousers,greasy hair(men) jiving,juke boxes.
Happy days.