To make chilli rice you put normal rice in the freezer.
You are so positive lots to take from your attitude
I threw some away last year,if you split one of the ends over the bin and give each one time to settle should be ok,a few of the little buggers will escape,
And your getting as daft as Jane chilli rice😉Xxx
Katie is a challenge and a delight, Sandra.
I went to a garden centre for lunch with a friend yesterday. I saw a nice water feature I thought might be a nice calming thing to have in the garden for her to look at while I am working out there. It is a Thai Buddha, resembling a stone tablet with a deep relief of the face only. I unpacked it, the assembly instructions were badly translated. “To take the Buddha into serendipity first take the transfer pipe and construct to rear. After submerse black pimp into water then you have calm peace”.
That sounds easy enough, I thought. So I looked for the pipe and found it was stuffed up inside a hole too small for my hand to reach it. I shook it and banged it on the lawn, eventually I used some barbecue tongs to pull it out and connected it up. Then I attached the my “pimp” to the electrical cord and submerged it. And it worked! It took a couple of hours of me swearing, not serendipitous in the least. The water flowed down the peaceful face delightfully and I was really pleased with it and looking forward to Katie coming home. I showed it to her, and turned it on. She pointed to it and signed “Lady with runny nose, Tissue”.
She really makes me laugh, we keep each other entertained for hours.
Scaring old ladies
She has a remarkable way of looking at the world. Unique. I live the lady with the runny nose but don’t think she will get over her cold.
Just wait until you see my Halloween costume:rofl:
No idea what rofl is bloody computer.
Roll on the floor laughing, you really are a dinosaur.
I have a lead if you want to take me out for a walk🤪
You sure you wouldn’t rather be submerged with my pimp?
Why am I thinking of the policeman in Allo Allo?
Nah cold water plays havoc with my……. Ah constitution.
I loved that programme, Rose.
I have got the gateau in the chateau today!
Looks like we are going to be eating chocolate cake all week.
When I finally registered this I did laugh .x
Ron have you any tar
Not on me,but I can easily get some.
Keep going everyone, you’re all making me laugh.
Chilli rice
Willows penchant for maths
And Ron just makes me laugh
Keep up the good work
X x
Yes, almost a year for me too, and mornings are the worst.
I think I might have a concrete mixer. There’s a covered up Thing outside which I never took much notice of before. Good for making large amounts of chocolate cake?