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Well done Willow, omg I dont think I could bop again, with my knees. It must be knackering but fun, i had my 3 yr old grandaughter over for a sleep over. She brightens up a very dark world.
Hugs jo xxx


Yeah, my grandad told me about those things.
Were dinosaurs REALLY big, Ron?


They were but really softies,we used to take them out on a lead for walkies.


It’s been a busy day,washing/drying done,flue cleaned(not by me) logs rotated,dinner for tonight cooked,grass cut(not by me) bit of weeding done,now sitting with a coffee.


Me too, me and Katie went upstairs, she sat in the bed watching tv while I cleaned, prior to aircon service on Monday. Then downstairs and I cooked stir fry for lunch. Then outside for coffee, it was a bit nippy so we soon came back. I surveyed my newly -mown lawn (done by me, who would know that my son is a gardener)! I have decided to get Astro-turf. Jeremy would be horrified, I am not thrilled myself, but I keep getting the wheelchair stuck. Needs must.
Then we came in and made a chocolate cake. I followed the recipe faithfully, it is a new one for me. I realised that there was too much batter for the tin I had prepared, so I found a larger one. It is in the oven now, growing bigger by the minute. There will be enough to feed the five thousand when the hour is up. That is if I can get the oven door open, it may well seal itself.
Chocolate cake, anyone?
No charge, apart from help with the washing up, floor cleaning, wall washing. I think my daughter will need jet-washing.
I have also discovered that melted chocolate is an excellent hair conditioner.


Serious question,when do you cut back roses?


Cut them back by a third anytime now, to prevent wind rock root damage. Then prune again in February by another 50%. Cut back to a bud or division in the stem, preferably outward facing. Slanted cut.
You’re welcome.
I have 150 different varieties and it takes all day.


Thank you,that’s tomorrows job then.


Normally my carers do my washing and hang up to dry. Every other weekend I don’t get a carer at lunchtime. This is that weekend. I wanted to make sure the washing had a chance to dry before the monsoon is back from tomorrow. I have laundry baskets with wheels as it is impossible to carry a normal basket and use a stick. More difficult today as my physio came yesterday. Certain they are all certified sadists so muscles ache even more than they usually do plus usual arthritic pain.
Also managed to put my sausage rolls in air fryer for lunch and collect my yoghurt and fruit. It’s a logistical nightmare. I use my stick to get to the kitchen to collect my trolley so I can move more than one thing at a time. Put everything I need for lunch on the trolley and wheel it through to living room. When finished wheel it back to kitchen and collect stick.
Do you think I qualify for some of that chocolate cake? Please please.


I wish I lived close enough to bring some round Sandra. I could leave you and Katie entertaining each other and put your washing out. Then we could sit down together and share the cake.
There is certainly plenty of it.
I hope your aches and pains ease off soon.


I hate it when you get serious, Ron. I thought you were going to propose!
Some people would do anything for a slice of my chocolate cake!

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I certainly would,but I have only just stopped laughing visualising you taking a bath in melted chocolate.

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Hi ron you have been busy
Me too .
Completely stripped the bed and threw out 8 pillows hope I can get them in the bin.
Having a bit of a day so just got cracking.
Now got all the washing to do.
What are you having for dinner?
I haven’t had anything yet.
I seem to buy from Asda every Wednesday
and then throw most of it out the following
Every body seems to be at it today ( the cleaning)
Could just do with a bit of chocolate cake
Comfort and love. Doreen x


The old lady that stands in front of my mirror is shocked.:flushed:

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I am better off than many. I can afford the help and normally it works well. I just like to do as much as possible myself. Recently I had an arthritic flare up which has meant it is difficult for me to get in the car. I am paying privately for physio to help me get my mobility back. I can’t get a NHS physio to come out to me.
I am physically able to get in and out of my front door and with the help of my rollator get to the end of my path once I have physically manhandled in and out of the front door. Up and down the step. I am therefore in the eyes of the authorities not housebound. I asked if I could have a ramp to help with the rollator. The answer is they only supply them for permanent wheelchair users.
It was just me being stubborn this morning. I was determined the washing was going to get done and hung in the conservatory to dry. At least it wasn’t bedding or towels.
I would love to spend time with Katie. She sounds a challenge and a delight.

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Bit of a tip Doreen,split the pillows and empty the contents in the bin you will get more in.Xxx


Chilli rice and garlic bread one of my favourites.


I was actually talking to the voluptuous 18 year old.


Hi Sandra,
It does seem like a challenge getting about
You have obviously got it down to a fine art.
I know what you mean about the physios.
I think they forget we are older people
Usually with joint problems .
I went for a few sessions for my back and could barely walk for a week and I was black and blue.
I packed it in and did some yoga instead.
What a struggle for you.
Take care.
Love and comfort Doreen. X

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Ahh, that’s ok then. As for laughing at the thought, how vey dare you! There is nothing funny about it, my friend. It is nothing short of tragic.
In my head I am still 18, unfortunately the body attached to that head is a good ten years older. And I am a terrible liar! But I was never good at maths.