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I talk out loud to furniture, plants, clothes, birds. Just about anything. Totally normal I would say. But my carer this morning did ask if people would think I was mad when I was talking to my bra this morning to persuade it to go on.
Did something even weirder when I was working. If I had a report to write would sit with blank page in front of me while I gathered my thoughts. If I discarded an idea I would tear off the blank page, screw it up and throw it in the bin. Weird or not.


Hiya Dot well if you are losing the plot then so am I.
I talk none stop to Gra go over the day we got married the things we said and did.
Toture isnt it I wish I could clock my brain off from over thinking.
Hugs Jo xxx

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I think we all are weird in our own way its what makes us unique or strange whichever way you look at it :thinking: xxx


Thanks Jo
If I could have one more day any day it would be our wedding day,
We both looked amazing, so fit and strong and lovely.our friends and family were there.
Sadly so many of them gone now.
I really get emotional thinking about it.
Sam and I found each other a little later but we still had 43 years together.
I somehow never ever thought we would ever be apart We all know it’s going to happen
But I believe now that we must just block it
out of our minds.
Love Doreen x

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Thank you pudding
I know I am not alone as all you guys on here are marvellous.
I am finding it so hard this week sorry to be so dreary.
Love Doreen x


Nothing weird about me! It’s everybody else that’s out of step.
I have just been watering my garden, in the rain.
And now I am going to make Chocolate Surprise🙃


What’s the surprise? Let me guess. Chocolate?

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It is chocolate cake, cunningly hidden under some vanilla ice cream!

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Hi Doreen

My one day would be our wedding day too.
Although we lived together for 42 years we were actually only married for 12. It was such a wonderful day, we were both so ecstatically happy, truly the best day of our lives. Rogers grin almost split his face in 2.

Oh if only …

Love and hugs
Liz x x


LolbWillow so long as it is chocolate icream with chocolate sauce and sprinkles of course. Xxx

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Hi ron
and all of you amazing people.
I was wondering can any one look at the photos
of our husbands wives and partners?
I just cannot do it.
I break down and just cry.
I see his lovely face or our faces on selfies and I am swamped with what I have lost.
It’s even more upsetting when I switch my phone on and pictures of him or us just pop
Up unintentionally.
Maybe it’s a sign!!
I wish I could look at our photos.
Doreen x


Hi Doreen

Yes I can and do look at Rogers photos, mostly I’m ok with them, sometimes not.

Its the ones the phone throws up unexpectedly that usually catch me unawares that upset me.

I think I’m quite a bit further on than you.
Many things still make me cry.
Usually when I’m least expecting it.

X x


Who would have thought that a pile of logs could reduce me to tears.

I was enjoying my walk by the sea this morning when I came across a pile of logs on the side of the path.
Suddenly I could see Roger there, in his element, sorting out the best ones while planning his next project.
He loved making things.
I broke my heart :broken_heart: luckily there was no one around to see me crying

Will this ever get better? Will things always get to us like this?

Love and hugs to everyone
Liz x x


Yes, I do look at photo’s of my husband and I watch his YouTube video’s he made of our walks and holidays. I have a photo album of pictures of him at different ages here in the living room and recent pictures on the mantlepiece of up until the day before he died. Yes l cry a lot looking at them sometimes but I feel that I need to cry. But we’re all different…thats just me.


Crying is healing i was told if thats true omg why arent I healed yet . I have cried more tears at the most stupid of things then is imaginable
Hugs jo xxx


I don’t this will ever get any better.
How can it?
We are never going to get our loved ones back.
I think it is worse because now we know it
and the realisation of it is too terrible to
contemplate. Like the rest of our lives.
You mentioned a pile of logs setting you off
because you remember what your husband
would have done.
Today after the rain I looked out and saw all the
Leaves our lawn is covered.
That set me off as my Sam would have been
grumbling but gone out with the blower.
I think he must have hidden the charger for it
as I can’t find it anywhere.
In fact I think he has hidden all the chargers .
There I am again all doom and gloom
I wish I knew what to do though,no one has any
answers and I can’t face any more one day at a time.
Love and comfort Doreen x


Hi Doreen.
I downloaded all my gallery of photos onto the Alexa,she randomly scrolls through them showing one pic at a time,I enjoy seeing them.


Doreen only time holds our answers to how this nightmare will end, but I live in hope we will all find happiness again one day.


You just have to find one drawer full of cables. Every home has one.


You are lucky if you only have one!
I have many drawers full of cables. Some of them have gold ends, for some reason.
Most of them are a mystery.
But I have found one for each appliance (so far).