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Thank you Lydia
Maybe I will also Just not now.
Love Doreen x


I absolutely with all my heart wish we all find
some sort of peace and calmness
Love and comfort Doreen


Will be thinking of you and your cat Rose……our pets are like family members……
Sending you and your cat hugs and keeping everything crossed he will be OK……
Lisa x


If only.
My Sam has a cupboard in the garage.
He would never ever throw anything out.
It’s a massive cupboard and he could go to it
any time and pick out just what he wanted.
Only he knew what was in there.
Mining and pit equipment from donkeys year
He was so clever and handy always making things Plumbing in bathrooms showers.
Always keeping bits of wood etc just in case !!!
The cables and chargers I can find don’t fit his latest electric gear.
He bought one of those things you put your feet on to stimulate your leg muscles .
Ian Botham advertises them.
The machine is in the cupboard but no charger.
Love Doreen x

I have one of them. I keep the plug etc in the case with it. Seems easiest. Sure if necessary you can purchase a replacement. I have a drawer full of cables. No idea what any of them are for.



I want to thank each one of you for your messages about our lovely cat.
I love him so much. He is family to me just like our other cat.

He used to live in the street but his owners moved.
He came back twice, crossing busy roads and goodness knows if he ate.
We did not know about the first time but the second time he turned up at our back door in the pouring rain.
He was soaking wet and totally bedraggled and seemed so small that we did not know if it was him.
We let him in and fed him, he was so hungry.
We dried him and then he went upstairs, jumped on the bed and slept for a long time.
His owner asked if we wanted to have him and here he is.
So we have known him for at least 14 years.
I tell him the story of how he came to live with us.
I promise you he loves it and purrs and cuddles up to me.
Yes, it is probably the tone of my voice.

He absolutely adored my husband and I had to call the vet out who told me he was grieving .

You have all showed such love and understanding. I am so truly grateful.

Thank you so very much.

Love and hugs,

Rose xx


They cost about £9 on the revitive site.


I bet no one else has a generator and bottle of propane gas.


I have propane. No generator.
I have got an angle grinder, though.


No generator,no propane,no angle grinder,but I do have a toadstool.


You don’t need to thank us Rose

We all understand
We all care.

Love and hugs
Liz x x


I was looking for paint, I opened Rogers shed, looked for a few minutes and then shut the door.

I said eff it! I’ll buy some

I hate to think what’s in there
Its a nightmare

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My garage is chock full of god knows what. Full of boxes for all our lladdro porcelain. A Nathan side board. Another cupboard used to store wine. A vax carpet cleaner. A thing to start your car when battery is dead. Loads of cushions. A bedspread. A foot pump. A large roll of bubble wrap. Multiple rolls of gaffer tape. God knows what else.
Already got rid of multiple lots of ant killer, lawn mower, hedge trimmer. 2 garden chairs, 8 tubs of talcum powder, mobility scooter, multiple set of lawn bowls. A large roll of bubble wrap. Multiple boxes used when we moved in 2016.
Haven’t even made a dent. Next time my gardener comes he is going to take pictures and help me clear things as I can’t physically get to the garage any more. Dont want to use clearance company as there may be something I want in there.

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I don’t know if I totally trust clearance places to be honest about what they find.

I’m probably doing them a disservice

I don’t think there’s anything worth anything in Rogers shed. Just tools and things, I shall leave it to my stepson

X x

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The garage here is a nightmare, too. Hundreds of paint and varnish tins, lawn mower, strimmer that doesn’t work, oars, about 20 boxes of assorted drills and Useful Tools, rolls of bubblewrap and roof insulation, packages of screws and nails, two tree saws, chain saw, broken garden chairs, boat-things, pumps, photographic chemicals, enlarging trays, work benches… and that’s just the things I can recognise!

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I think your husband and mine could have been soul mates.
When my BIL and SIL were here the intention was to clear it. My intention was to start one side and work methodically round sorting into rubbish keep and charity. They dashed about like a couple of mindless insects so now it is worse than it was. They wouldn’t listen and were driving me nuts so I called a halt for coffee. So now instead of a tidy full garage I have a messy full garage. I do have in there a full extra set of rubbish and recycling bins !!!. No idea how we ended up with those.


I have half a shed of logs oh and a toadstool💁🏻‍♂️


I have concrete toadstools and a couple of Buddhas in my front garden. Honestly not as naff as it sounds.


It just amazes me the things he had.

In my kitchen drawer I found 5 industrial tape measures and I know there are more in his shed.

Screws and nails and things in my kitchen cupboards, screwdrivers and pliers and hammers in the airing cupboard :woozy_face::thinking:

X x


You can never have too many recycling bins :upside_down_face::joy:

X x

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